University of Virginia Library


Man of the bold, brave heart!
God gifted thee with stemless will to dare,
And to achieve. Men ne'er successless were
Who, with thy great endeavour, join'd a pure,
High, holy heart like thine, that could endure
Hatred, and scorn, and toil that would have crush'd
A weak, despairing spirit to the dust.
And now!
Time tells thy name unto Eternity;—
A noble man reveal'd,
Thy soul of light unseal'd,
Thy life a battle-field,
Where fearless manhood set a race from bondage free!


Man of the dauntless soul!
Great in resistless goodness as was He
Who came like summer forth of Galilee!—
Who saves one living thing is ever bless'd;
Good actions soothe, like angel songs, his rest;
And good men worship round the hero's grave,
Who lived and died one land of earth to save!—
But thou!
Found a whole race of God-created men
Slaves, bound and scourged, and vile with every stain—
And now
They tell what one soul-strengthen'd man can do!
That race is fetterless
Thou pitiedst in distress;
Thee, saviour, they bless,
Great, Christ-like, pure and holy, good and true!
Man of the stainless life!
True hearts adore thy faithful Earnestness,
Thy Hope, that, 'midst all trials, ne'er grew less,
Thy thoughtful Love that hatred never quench'd,
And perseverance;—power that would have wrench'd
Aught good thy heart desired from Fortune's hand:—
Chance, Fate, and Change, determin'd men command.
But thou!
Hadst nobler aims than those the foolish prize;
Lov'dst mightier deeds than little men devise!
And now,


Giver of Freedom, who shall stand with thee?
Greater than thronëd kings,
Time o'er thy memory flings
Glorious imaginings!
A countless race arise and say, He made us free!

This poem was sent to Laverock Bank with the following note, and, after Nicoll's death, was published in Tait's Magazine, in an article relating to Clarkson:—“The foregoing lines were suggested by the story Mrs. J--- told me on Saturday of Clarkson. When Wilberforce asked him if ever he thought of the welfare of his soul, he answered—‘I can think of nothing save those poor slaves in the West Indies.’”