University of Virginia Library


“And now, ye Powers, well understand ye all
How, 'twixt ourselves, and our great adversary,
Stands the momentous strife. Israel to free,—
In the due time Messiah to bring forth,
And, through him, man's Redemption,—such the schemes
'Gainst which, to uttermost of our strength, must we
Battle unceasingly. To each of you
Will task be given: let each o'er others strive
Glory to win, by diligence more, and zeal,
Courage, and wisdom, and keen watchfulness,—
So that the speedier to our foe may come
Defeat and shame; to us great victory;
Godhead the sooner ours.
“If any now
Among you all,—though even the least in power,—
Aught toward the general good be moved to speak,
Let him stand forth.”
He paused; but all were mute,
All motionless. The signal then he gave;
And, in that moment, vanished the vast host;
The great sun's heart again was void, and still!