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BEING Verses on the most remarkable Men and Women mentioned in the Bible.

WITH Other Poems and Hymns useful for Children, &c.

To my young Reader.

Dear child, in this composure, see
Brave men are mentioned,
Men of the most antiquity,
Most fam'd and honoured:
Here you for imitation have
Men of the best renown
For valiant hearts, and actions brave,
That ever yet were known:
Here's true diverting stories told,
Such like were never found
Among romances, new nor old,
In all the world around.
And art thou piously inclin'd?
Here many patterns be
That on religion set their mind,
When but as young as thee.


Would'st thou to wealth and honour climb?
Then fear thou the Most High;
Be good like David, and like him
God will thee magnify.
Wouldst thou escape that dreadful fate
The wicked must befal!
Upon religious duties wait,
And trust to God your all.
On whatsoe'er thy mind shall turn,
Respecting bus'ness here,
If thou thy station wouldst adorn,
First learn thy God to fear:
Then shalt thou prosper in thy way,
And all thou tak'st in hand;
While wicked men shall all decay
Around thee in the land.
Peruse this little book, wherein
You various things will see,
That may divert thy mind from sin,
And be of use to thee.

The First Chapter of Genesis.

The Spirit of the living God
Mov'd on the mighty deep;
Matter from nothing came abroad,
And into forms did creep:
Void empty space and darkness did
Surround the dark'ned chaos;
When the Almighty spoke, and bid
Light be, then lo it was.
Darkness to separate from light
He will'd, and they obey:
Light Day he call'd, and darkness Night,
And both made the first day.


At God's command extended was
The spacious firmament,
That's like a molten looking-glass,
Yet strong and permanent.
Waters above it, and below
He sep'rated to stay:
This firmament call'd Heav'n, and so
This made the second day.
God will'd the waters under heav'n
Together to repair
To where he had appointment giv'n,
That dry-land might appear:
The waters he call'd Seas, and land
He called Earth; and they,
The instant that he gave command,
Did willingly obey.
Then said th'Almighty, Let the earth
Bring forth grass, herbs and trees,
Whose seeds and fruits prolific birth
Their various kinds supplies:
At his command the fertile earth
Did instantly obey;
Produc'd her vegetable birth,
Concluding the third day.
God said, Let there be lights that may
Divide the day from night,
And rule each season, year and day,
And shine exceeding bright:
God made the sun, and moon, and set
Them in the firmament;
The stars also in number great
He made for ornament;
These he appointed to give light
Upon the earth, for they
Were to divide the day from night,
And this made the fourth day.


God will'd the waters to bring forth
The moving creatures there;
And fowls to fly above the earth
In open fields of air:
Great whales by him created were;
And ev'ry living thing,
That either is in seas or air,
The waters forth did bring:
To ev'ry thing he gave command
And virtue to increase
Their sev'ral species, that might stand,
Till time itself shall cease.
Thus God beheld all that he made,
And lo! it was all good;
The morning and the evening shade
The fifth day did conclude.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth
The living creatures, which
May multiply birth after birth,
The dry land to enrich:
God made all beasts and creeping things,
And cattle ev'ry one,
After his kind th'earth forth did bring,
Ev'n by his word alone:
God said, Let Us make man that may
Our image represent,
And o'er all living creatures sway
The pow'r and government:
So God created man of dust,
And breath'd in him, and he
Became a living Soul that must
Subsist eternally;
Both male and female was he made,
Resembling God; and he
The pow'r and sovereignty had
O'er all in earth and sea:


God blessed him, and gave command
To multiply, and gave
Green herbs to beasts for meat, but man
The choicest fruits should have.
So God survey'd the works he made,
And found them very good.
Thus morning and the ev'ning did
The first fix days conclude.

A Meditation on the Second Chapter of Genesis.

Most glorious and holy God,
Who was, is, and shall be;
Heav'n is thy throne and bless'd abode,
To all eternity;
The whole earth's of thy glory full,
Thy works shew forth thy praise;
All nature yields to thy good will,
All things thy word obeys:
Thou mad'st the heav'ns, earth and sea,
Of nothing, by thy pow'r;
And over ev'ry thing that be
Thou art the governor.
Six days, for our example, thou
Didst take the worlds to frame;
And rested on the seventh, to shew
We should observe the same.
Thou mad'st the light and darkness, which
Are both alike to thee:
Sun, moon, and stars, above our reach
Their magnitude to see.
Thou mad'st thine angels spirits pure,
To serve at thy command,
To do thy errands, and procure
Whate'er thou wilt demand.


Thou mad'st man to resemble thee
In knowledge, righteousness,
And holiness; no misery
Obstruct'd his happiness;
Inferior but in degree
Unto the angels bright;
Thou crown'd'st his head with dignity,
With favour and delight:
Beasts of the earth, fowl of the air,
Fifth in the seas that swam,
Their due obedience did declare;
If he but call'd, they came.
Thou mad'st a garden fair and sweet,
Where all delight did flourish,
Tor recreation, and for meat,
All's appetites to nourish:
Nay more, to consummate his joy,
Thou gav'st to him a wife,
That all delights he might enjoy
That could be wish'd in life:
Save only that peculiar tree
That in the garden grew;
Of it thou will'd him to keep free,
As a Superior's due:
Thou jnftly threat'ned, At what time
He of the fame did eat,
That he should die for such a crime,
And lose his blessed state;
Not only him, but ev'n all those
That should from him proceed,
Should share the punishment and loss,
Since he of all was head.
Most holy, wise and just thou art,
O God, in all thy ways;
Obedience is our only part,
Thy best-lov'd sacrifice.


VERSES upon the most remarkable Men and Women mentioned in the BIBLE.


Adam was plac'd in pleasant paradise,
Had all the herbs and fruits therein, to choice
Which he should eat, and which he should forbear,
Except one tree, whose fruits most dang'rous were,
Forbid him (on this peril) by that God
Of whom he held his life, and bless'd abode.


Eve, not contented with her bless'd estate,
Believ'd the serpent that she'd be more great,
Did eat of the forbidden fruit, and gave
Her husband also, that he might perceive
Things that he knew not, both of good and evil,
As she had heard and learned of the devil:
But disappointment was their wretched fate;
Instead of knowing more, to their regrete,
They knew far less, and both were quickly driv'n
From paradise, and lost their claim to heav'n.


Abel was good; God therefore him preferr'd,
And his first off'ring greatly did regard:
But Cain was evil; God did him neglect,
And to his off'ring did shew no respect:
Which was the cause the villain did embrue
His hands in blood, and his own brother flew.


Enoch was holy, and still pleased God;
Therefore on earth he had no long abode;
For God took him alive to heav'n, where he
Will reign and walk with him eternally.


[Methuselah liv'd to the greatest age]

Methuselah liv'd to the greatest age
Of any e'er was on this earthly stage;
Yet of the longest liv'd nought can be said,
But that they once did live, and now are dead.

Six score of years good Noah was employ'd
Building an ark, before the flood destroy'd
The world for sin; and ev'ry stroke he gave
Bade men repent, that God might mercy have:
But none regarded, till the deluge drown'd
Them all at once; no man alive was found,
Save Noah's houshold, eight in number, were
Preserv'd alive by God's peculiar care;
With two and two of ev'ry bird and beast,
That ever since to multitudes increas'd.

Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Noah's three sons were:
A father's curse the wretched Ham must bear;
Because he saw his father's shame expos'd,
And to his brethren had the same disclos'd.
Who spread a garment on their shoulders straight,
Went back, and screen'd their father's shame from sight.
Ham was the father of Canaan: 'tis said
By Japheth were the Gentile isles o'erspread:
But in Shem's family the church of God
For ages had, and shall have its abode.

Gigantic Nimrod was a mighty man,
He was the first that monarchy began:
He and his people, journeying from the East,
In Shinar's plains at last their tents they plac'd;
“Come (said they) let us here a city build,
And an high tow'r, our lives from harm to shield,


Whose top may reach to heaven's gates, that when
We please we may an access thereto gain;
And let us make ourselves a name, that we
Scatt'red no more throughout the earth may be.”
But God beheld what these vile miscreants did,
And that nonght could their enterprize forbid;
Said he, All mankind have one kind of speech,
And their design is heaven's gates to reach
By their hand-work; I will confound them so,
That one another's speech they shall not know.”
Then ev'ry man spake language that none knew
Except himself, and yet he knew not how:
“Bring me (said one) a load of brick;” and they,
Instead thereof, brought him a load of hay:
One call'd and bid make fast a rope; and he
That was below, made haste to let it flee.
Thus all confus'd, their tools they tumbled straight,
And like bewitched fools began to fight,
All scatter'd round; each one another chas'd;
Dispers'd abroad to North, South, East and West.

From Chaldea the patriarch Abraham,
At God's command, a sojourner he came
Unto Canaan, which land God promise made
To him, that he would give it to his seed,
Yet childless, and his wife tho' barren still,
She was intent that promise to fulfil;
Gave him her handmaid, that she might conceive,
And she by her a borrowed child might have.
So she conceiv'd, and bare Abram a son,
Suppos'd the heir of all his sire had won:
But lo! three angels in the form of men
Came walking to Abram along the plain,
Whom he saluted, to his tent them call'd,
And with a rural feast them well regall'd.
In compensation they call'd for his wife,
And said, “According to the time of life,


Thou shalt conceive and bear a son, who shall
Be thy sole heir, and possessor of all:”
At which Sarai laugh'd in heart to hear
That one past age, and barren too, should bear;
For which they chid her, and affirm'd that she
Should the bless'd mother of great nations be.
When they departed, Abram courteously
And in good manners made them a convoy:
When at some distance two went off; but one
Abode with Abram till he was made known,
And told him plainly that he was his God,
And bade him lift his eyes and look abroad,
And view the land from North, South, East and West,
For of the same his seed should be possess'd.
But Abram had forgot God's promise made,
And for Ishma'l his son did intereced;
“Lord, thou hast promis'd, and I do believe
That thou to me a progeny wilt give;
Therefore Ishmael, if 'tis thy sov'reign will,
Grant he may live thy promise to fulfil.”
God said, “Sarai, as I have told you, shall
Bear thee a son, whom thou shalt Isaac call;
With him I will my covenant renew
Which I have made, and still have kept with you,
Lift up thine eyes, and tell the stars, if ye
Can number them, so shall thy offspring be;
For mighty nations shall be of thy seed,
And potent kings shall from thy loins proceed.
Also I heard, and gave thee no denial
Concerning thy first-born son Ishmael;
For he shall live, become exceeding great,
And he in time twelve princes shall beget.
But I my covenant will 'stablish sure
With Isaac, whom thy wife shall to thee bear,
And with his seed; and this shall be the sign,
That you and yours, yea ev'ry male of thine,
Be circumcis'd, and in their foreskin hold
My cov'nant's seal, when they are eight days old.


They shall be strangers in a foreign land
Four hundred years, press'd by a tyrant's hand,
From whence I'll bring them by my mighty arm,
(And no man shall have power to do them harm),
And plant them in this fruitful land, wherein
You hitherto a sojourner have been:
But thou shalt die in good old age and peace,
And the fourth generation of thy race
They shall possess the Am'rites land at will,
But their iniquities are not yet full.”

Lot, Abram's friend, in Sodom pitch'd his tent:
But lo! two angels unto him were sent,
And warned him from that vile place to flee,
For in short time it would destroyed be;
He and his wife, two daughters, and no moe,
Deliv'red were from that dire overthrow.
His wife, who lov'd the place, began to halt,
And looking back was turned into salt:
She of God's wrath a monument was made,
That others might to God's commands take heed.
He and his daughters to a city went;
But fear'd to dwell therein, because the scent
Of fire and brimstone reach'd thro' all the plain;
They fled, and in the mountains did remain:
There the two maids suppos'd the human race
Was quite extinct, and none left to increase;
They made their father drink till he was drunk,
Lay down with him when he in sleep was sunk;
The force of wine and warmth him so beguil'd,
That he unwitting got them both with child:
Each of the two brought forth a son, from whom
The Moabites and Ammonites did come.

Young Isaac now appears upon the stage,
Born of his mother when she was past age;


At eight days old was circumcis'd, and grew
Till he was wean'd, belov'd of not a few,
Except Ishmael, Hagar's son, who smil'd
When he old Sarah pamp'ring him beheld;
At which she said (and kick'd him out of doors)
“This harlot's son shall not be heir with ours.”
It came to pass, that God call'd Abraham;
To which he answered, “Lord, here I am.”
God said, “Take Isaac, now thine only son;
And nothing grudge, it is what must be done;
Take him, I say, and to Meriah go,
And on a mountain, which I shall thee show,
Offer him up a sacrifice to me:
As all is mine, I challenge this of thee.”
Then Abram said, “Can this be true I hear,
That I should sacrifice mine only heir?
Nay, sure I dream—nay, nay, I am awake;
Some Deity it was that to me spake.
Can God, who is most Holy, Just and Good,
Require a sacrifice of human blood?
No—'tis some daemon, mankind's enemy,
That would seduce me to idolatry;
God is too good his promise to make void;
If Isaac die, my hopes are all destroy'd:
But hold! what do I say? why should I doubt
Of God's great pow'r his promise to make out?
What tho' my Isaac should to ashes burn?
God's pow'r can make him unto life return;
I in my God will trust, who hitherto
All my difficulties hath brought me thro';
Yea, rather than I should my God displease,
My darling Isaac I will sacrifice:
If I'm deceiv'd, God will my error show,
And me preserve from my infernal foe.”
Thus forth he ventur'd in the name of God;
He and his son upon two asses rode:
Wood, fire, a knife, two servants, then took he
With him, and went into the land Mori':


Three days they walked, till the place they spied
Afar; then Abram to his young men said,
“Stay with the asses, till the lad with me
Go worship yonder, and return to thee.”
So he took wood, and bound it on his son,
Fire in his hand; and on their way they're gone.
Now, as they walked, Isaac look'd him round,
And said, “My father, here we do abound
With preparations for an off'ring; but
A lamb for sacrifice I see it not.”
Then Abram said, “God that requires the thing
Will sure provide a lamb for offering.”
So on they walk'd towards the place, and there
Abram made haste an altar to prepare;
And laid the wood in order thereupon,
Then stretched out his hand to take his son.
Isaac, affrighted, cry'd with tears, and said,
“O father, father, I am sore afraid
That you are desp'rate, or some frantic fit
Has seiz'd your senses, and expell'd your wit:
What cruel thing is this you mean to do?
Would ye your hands in your own blood imbrue?
“No, no, my son; you quite mistake the case:
All human reason must to God give place:
No doubt I love you as I do my life;
And certainly this sacrificing knife
Should as soon sheath in my own bowels as thine,
Wer't not I must regard commands divine.”
“O father, father, has not God once said,
Who sheds man's blood by man shall his be shed?
And at the hand of ev'ry man he wou'd
Require his brother's or his neighbour's blood?
Much more of you: O father dear, forbear,
And to seducing spirits give not ear.”
“Oh not, my son; full well I understand
I'm not deceiv'd; it is God's own command:
And rather than my God I should displease,
My all, my Isaac, I will sacrifice.”


“Father, did God 'gainst nature give me life,
To lose it by this sacrificing knife?
No; sure he did some higher-end propose,
Than against nature I the same should lose?
Oft have you told me for a truth most valid,
God said, in me your seed was to be called:
Is God a man, his promise to deny?
Or son of man, that he should make a ly?
Beware, dear father, what you do; forbear,
And to seducing spirits give not ear.”
“Forbear, dear child; no intercession may
Prevail with me my purpose to delay:
It is no spirit, but my God; and still
I will believe him, and obey his will:
I'm confident his promise he'll make good;
Tho' here I slay you, and pour out your blood,
And I do here your bones to ashes burn,
His pow'r can make you unto life return.”
“Since now, dear father, you are resolute,
And all my arguments you still refute,
Unto God's will and yours I do submit,
To do with me all that you judge most fit.
If you're deceived in this strange intent,
I pray the God of heav'n you to prevent;
And if it be his sovereign blessed will,
I own we should all his commands fulfil:
Therefore to him I recommend my spirit,
That thro' Messiah that's to come his merit,
I may be rais'd from death to life again,
And reign with him time without end. Amen.”
Then on the altar laid he Isaac bound,
And took the knife to give the fatal wound:
But lo! an angel call'd from heav'n, and said,
“Lay not thine hand upon the harmless lad;
For now I know thou fearest God truly,
Since thou didst not thine only son deny.”
Then Abraham lift up his eyes, and spied
A ram in thickets by his horns tied:


With joyful heart he ran and caught the prize,
And off'red him, in's stead, a sacrifice:
Jehovah-Jireh then he call'd the place,
That is, God will provide in such a case.
Again the angel spake to him, and shew'd,
That God for this his promise had renew'd,
That he would bless him greatly, and his seed
Should as the sand on shores be multiplied;
That in his seed all nations he would bless,
And that their en'mies gates they should possess;
Because thou hast obey'd my voice, I will
All this and more for you and yours fulfil.
So they took journey to return again:
And as they walk'd along the lonely plain,
Abraham said, “My son, you plainly see
The folly of your arguments with me.”
“My dearest father, now I see indeed
God is a present help in time of need;
Upon his goodness and his mercies I
Will meditate, until the day I die:
To us this day he manifested hath
Enough to make us stedfast in our faith;
I'll ne'er forget how I was ransomed,
And in a figure raised from the dead:
I'll love the Lord, and serve him all my days,
For this is matter of eternal praise.”
Thus on they walked, both still praising God,
Towards Beersheba, where was their abode.
So Sarah died, and Abram purchas'd straight
A burial-place to hide her from his sight;
Four hundred shekels was the price he paid,
For field and cave wherein his wife was laid.
When Abram saw his son was grown a man,
He to provide him in a wife began;
And call'd his servant, unto whom he said,
“Here is a point in which I want your aid:
Put now thine hand below my thigh, and swear,
As thou the God of heav'n and earth shalt fear,
Take not a wife to my son Isaac here;


Go to my country, and my kindred, there
Find out a virgin, pious, chaste and fair,
Bring her from thence to be my Isaac's wife,
The only joy and solace of his life.”
Then said the servant, “Sir, perhaps the maid
She will not come to do as you have said;
Must I your son bring thither back again,
In your own native country to remain?
“No, no, (replied the patriarch), take care,
And take not back again my Isaac there;
For if the maiden will not follow you,
Ye shall be clear and free of this your vow.”
Then took the servant jewels, bracelets, rings,
Gold, furniture, and other costly things,
And went toward Mesopotamia,
And near the town where Nahor dwelt did draw.
Then towards ev'ning, near the city he
Stood by a well; and praying earnestly,
He said, “O Lord God of my master, now
Unto my master's son thy kindness shew:
Send me good speed; and let it be, when I
The damsels come to draw their waters spy,
And she to whom I say, Maid, draw for me,
Shall answer, I will you and yours supply,
Let it be her thou hast ordain'd thro' life
To be my master's son young Isaac's wife.”
When he had ended this his wishful pray'r,
Rebekah came, who did a pitcher bear;
Which when she fill'd with water, “Maid (said he)
Allow a draught thereof I pray to me.”
“My lord (said she) it is at your command,
And straight let down her pitcher on her hand;
Also I'll draw for all thy camels, till
They ev'ry one of them shall drink their fill.”
The man then wond'ring at her beauty, said,
“Whose daughter art thou, O thou charming maid?
And can your father lodge us here this night,
Until we see the morrow's morning light?


Said she, “I am Bethuel's daughter, he
The son of Nahor; that's my pedigree:
Also we want not room for you to lodge,
And likewise straw and provender I judge.”
Then pull'd he forth a great ear-ring of gold,
And bracelets, saying, “Maid, I pray thee hold,
For your good will and service done to me,
Too small regard to be bestow'd on thee.”
Then ran Rebekah; and her mother told
About the man, and of her gifts of gold;
Which when her brother Laban saw, he ran,
And courteously intreated in the man,
And gave him water there to wash his feet,
Set meat before him, urging him to eat;
But he refus'd; said, “I'll not eat a crumb,
Till I have told the errand I am come.”
Then Laban said, “Speak on, Sir, let us hear;
You shall be welcome to our utmost here.”
Said he, “My master Abraham is one
Whom God hath bless'd with riches, and a son
That's grown a man, his only hopeful heir;
Wherefore he made me to protest and swear,
That I should take my journey to this place,
And fetch a wife for him of his own race:
Also I see, so far as I have gone,
That God doth bless the enterprize begun;
For, as I stood by yonder well, I pray'd
That God would send to me the very maid
He had provided for my master's son,
And by that means I wish'd she might be known;
If I said, “Maiden, I am very dry,
Pray let me have some water for supply,
If she should say, “Sir, I will give to you,
And to your servants, and your camels too;”
Let that be her from whom these words shall flow,
That God ordains shall to my master go:
Scarce had I done with praying in my mind,
When lo! Rebekah came, and prov'd so kind.


Then did I ask her of her kindred syne,
And found that she was of my master's line:
Then did I worship rev'rently the Lord;
And call'd my master's words unto record,
“God will (said he) his angel send with you,
And guide you to the place, and maiden too:
Therefore, if you regard my master say;
If otherwise, then frankly tell me, nay;
That I may turn to either hand, and see
What success God provided hath for me.”
Then answer'd Laban and Bethuel both,
“Friend, to dissemble we'll be very loth;
The thing, it seems, proceeds from God alone,
And cannot sure by us be overthrown:
Behold Rebekah! let her with you go,
And be his wife, since God will have it so.”
So when the man had heard this kindly word,
He bow'd his head, and worshipped the Lord,
Did eat and drink, and went to sleep that night,
And rose to-morrow by the morning light.
Then said he, “Since the Lord hath prospered
My journey hither, I would now implead
You not to hinder, but send me away
Unto my master without more delay.”
Said they, “We'll call the damsel in, and see
If she inclines to go along with thee:
She being call'd, did instantly consent
To go with him, seem'd very well content.
Then did they bless her, and sent her away;
And to Canaan they came without delay.
Now as they walked, and drew near their home,
They spied a man out in the fields to come:
Rebekah said unto the servant, “See,
There is a man that meets us, who is he?
His looks are steady, and his pace but slow,
And with a careless air he seems to go.”
The servant said, “It is my master's son,
He loves to walk forth in the fields alone


To meditate on things that are divine,
That elevates his good and holy mind;
For he is good, and leads an holy life,
With him you'll be a very happy wife.”
Then did Rebekah vail her face, that he
At first might not her virgin blushes see,
While Isaac took her by the hand, and went
With her unto his mother Sarah's tent:
So she became his wife, with love transported:
After his mother's death he was comforted.
Then Abraham took him another wife,
With whom he spent his residue of life.
By whom he sev'ral other children had:
To each of them he certain portions paid;
But unto Isaac, his beloved heir,
He gave his stock, and all he had to spare;
So Abraham gave up the ghost and died,
And was by Sarah in Macphelah laid.
Now Isaac pray'd his wife a child might have
(For she was barren), and she did conceive:
And lo! the children struggled in her womb,
As if each grudged of too little room;
Then she enquir'd of God the reason why
That she was troubled after such a way;
God told her, twins were in her womb, and she
The mother of two diff'rent sons must be;
Two kinds of people shall from thee divide,
The younger o'er the elder shall preside.
So in due time Rebekah at one birth
Two lively children that were males brought forth:
The boy first born was all o'ergrown with hair,
And Esau nam'd; the other smooth and fair,
And Jacob nam'd, because he strove to feel,
When he was born, his brother Esau's heel:
Both circumcis'd when they were eight days old;
Both grew to men, and Esau rough and bold
Was a great hunter of wild venison,
But Jacob dwelt in tents upon the plain.


Now Isaac loved Esau, for the meat
He often of his venison did eat:
But lo! Rebekah loved Jacob best,
And often in her heart she Jacob bless'd.
One day, as Esau had at hunting been,
He turned faint; and after he had seen
Some pottage Jacob for himself made ready,
His wish was eager, and his eyes were steady,
And said, “Dear brother, pray now give to me
Some of your pottage, for I'm like to die.”
Then Jacob said, “Sell me thy birth-right now,
And I'll the pottage frankly give to you.”
“Tush, tush! (said Esau) take it unto thee,
'Tis of small value when I'm like to die.”
Said Jacob, “Swear that this birth-right of thine
In ev'ry point shall afterwards be mine:”
So Esau sware; and Jacob gave him bread,
And pottage both: thus was the bargain made,
Then Isaac called Esau his first-born,
And said, “My son, you see with age I'm worn:
Mine eyes are dim; my taste is almost gone;
Go therefore out, and catch some venison,
And make me meat, such as I love, that I
May eat, and bless thee here before I die.”
Rebekah hearing what was said and done,
She call'd for Jacob her beloved son,
And told him all, bids him go to the fold,
And on two fat and well-grown kids lay hold;
I'll make that meat your father loves, that he
May eat, and bless thee now before he die.
But Jacob said, “My brother is all hair,
My father knows that I am smooth and bare;
If he shall feel me, and the cheat discover,
He'll count me nothing but a false deceiver:
Thereby I would incur his cursing rather
Than the kind blessing of a loving father.”
Rebekah said, “Obey my voice: let me
The only object of his cursing be:”


Jacob obey'd; she made the sav'ry meat,
And cunningly she to conceal the cheat
Took Esau's garments, judging it no sin,
And cloth'd him therewith, and the hairy skin
Put on the smooth parts of his hands and neck,
That so his father might not him suspect.
The good old man thought 'twas his eldest son,
Bless'd him as such: and Jacob scarce outgone,
When Esau from his hunting came, and had
Of's venison the sav'ry morsel made,
Yet miss'd the blessing; and resolv'd to slay
His brother Jacob, but he fled away
To Padan-aram, there to save his life,
Where fourteen years he served for a wife.
Jacob became exceeding rich, and had
Twelve sons, by whom a nation was o'erspread:
Great kings, and many, from him did proceed,
As unto Abraham God had promised.

Joseph was sold in Egypt for a slave:
But he fear'd God, and did so well behave,
That soon he was advanc'd to high degree,
And none in Egypt more esteem'd than he.

Like Moses, none of all the human race
Of God had so much countenance and grace:
For meekness he all other men excell'd;
Yet at the waters rashly he rebell'd:
So that the promis'd land afar he view'd;
But there to enter he was not allow'd.

Brave Joshua led Isra'l to Canaan,
Fought valiantly, subdu'd each heathen man;


Parted the land, and in proportion gave
To ev'ry tribe, what they by lot should have.
Still resolute to serve the Lord was he;
And so in peace and good old age did die.

Thus Hannah pray'd most fervently in thought,
And earnestly from God a child besought;
“And if (said she) God me a man-child give,
I'll lend him to the Lord while he shall live.”
So she conceiv'd, and Samuel did bring forth,
A man of great integrity and worth.

David, a man of early piety,
And so God rais'd him to great dignity,
From a mean shepherd to a royal throne;
Such is God's goodness unto ev'ry one
That fear and serve him with their heart and mind:
Who seek God early will him surely find.

Absalom for beauty did excel,
Yet he against his father did rebel,
For which he was in battle overthrown,
And doubtless unto hell the wretch is gone
So beauty is no sign of goodness, sure;
Fair Helen was but an adult'rous whore.

King Solomon, the wisest of mankind;
And yet he prov'd an arrant fool, we find.

Manasseh was a wicked wretch; yet he
Found mercy when he sought it earnestly:
Yet this is no encouragement to sin;
It only shews great sinners sav'd have been.


Job patiently did great afflictions bear;
He feared God, and held religion dear:
So that his wife, his friends, and Satan's art
Could never make him from it once depart.

God's providence brought Esther to a throne,
To save the Jews from being overthrown.

Upon the gallows Haman had design'd
For Mordecai, himself was hang'd we find,
Pride and unjustice sure at length will be
Brought to disgrace and endless misery.

The Prophets all were holy men, and were
Inspir'd of God his purpose to declare.

Saint JOHN the Baptist.
He honour'd was to go before, and tell
Redemption was at hand for Israel.

Joseph and Mary well met man and wife,
Both just and good, and happy in their life:
The blessed mother of our Lord was she;
And he his father was suppos'd to be.

Four write the hist'ry of our blessed Lord;
They all in one and the same things accord:
All pointedly relate his lowly birth;
His life, and doctrine taught by him on earth;
His cruel death; how from the dead he rose,
And his ascension each exactly shows.


The twelve APOSTLES.
Christ twelve Apostles chose, to witness bear
Of all he said, and did, and taught while here;
And that they might his doctrine spread abroad,
As they should after be inspir'd of God.

But one of them a trait'rous wretch did prove,
For money did forfeit his master's love:
But he despair'd, and after hang'd himself;
Surely to him it was a dear-bought pelf.

Proud Herod, when prais'd by a foolish mob,
Did the Almighty of his glory rob:
So that God's judgments seiz'd him in a trice,
That he was eaten quick of worms and lice.



The godly man stands on the surest ground;
For he seeks help where help is to be found:
But lo! the wicked are in dreadful case;
Destruction follows them from place to place.


A fool for Christ is certainly most wise,
Though all the rest of mankind him despise:
They're only fools that wealth and honours make
Their god while here, and the true God forsake.
For nat'ral fools I have nothing to say,
But leave their event to the judgment-day.


That man his journey likely overtakes,
Who in the morning slumb'ring sleep forsakes.


Rising betimes, he briskly takes his way,
Before the sun his sultry beams display:
Still making progress, ev'ry step doth tend
To make him at the last his journey end.


A rogue detected by proof rightly led,
Reason for him can no excuses plead:
As is his crime so must his sentence be;
It is unjust to let a rogue go free;
For, when he's punish'd, others may take care,
And not involve themselves into the snare.
Sure rogues are plagues unto society;
So reason says, that ev'ry rogue should die.


When surly winter with his blasts appear,
The most inclement season of the year,
The chilling frosts and icy snows descend;
'Gainst them the flow'rs cannot themselves defend;
And blust'ring Boreas thunders o'er the plain,
And robs the fields of all their vernal green:
So, when the wicked o'er the godly reigns,
They're made to languish and submit to chains.

Fifty Golden Verses.


There's few or none, that e'er communion had
With God, who are not sometimes sunk and sad.


Where ends the work of ministers, therein
The work of hearers always should begin.


It shews to God we have but little love,
In duties, if unwilling we shall prove
To come thereto, and stay with weariness,
And going from them gladness we express.


A man in gifts may be exceeding fat;
Yet lean in grace, yea unregenerate.



In want of all things, I can taste and see
How sweet the Lord is many ways to me.


Whate'er we suffer, or whate'er it bring,
'Tis sweetest music to hear conscience sing.


Repentances gray-headed seldom prove
Of the right kind, descending from above.


To worldly things our thirst should be but cold;
To heavenly things inflamed, and most bold.


'Tis ease for men to fly from duty's way:
But who can shun th'account at the last day?


Thyself to duties customarly take;
But do not duties for mere custom's sake.


Out of your houses shut them with disdain,
Who will your God in no ways entertain.


Associate not with those as friends to thee,
That shew themselves God's enemies to be.


They cannot be reputed worth men's trust
That unto God incline to be unjust.


Do thou not venture duty to decline,
Thy liberty pretending to maintain.


By this day's practice be thou still intending
The past days errors and misdeeds amending.


I fear my duties more than sins by far;
Duties puff up, by sins we humbled are.


'Tis well if, when Rome's reliques 'mongst us be;
They don't possession keep for popery.


Sleep not at night till thou recal to mind
What actions thou hast done the day behind.


Family passions cloud faith, and disturb
Our duties, yea and all our comforts curb.


His stock of comforts never can he spent
Who with God's providence lives ay content.


That man can never want his will, whose wit
Doth always to God's holy will submit.


They need not of another's bucket drink,
That live always upon the fountain brink:
Nor crutches use, nor stilts of greater length,
Who always are supplied with sp'ritual strength.



Let governors and parents always give
A good example in the sphere they live;
That so their children, and their servants, may
Be influenc'd to practise good thereby.


Afflictions that are sanctified do prove
The truest tokens of a special love.


If that our houses be not nursing places
For heav'n, and also for the heav'nly graces,
They'll places be for breeding brands for hell,
And ev'ry vice will flourish therein well.


Whatever sins in others you'd reprove,
Take double care these sins you do not love.


Early beginning in true piety
Makes one quite easy when he comes to die.


Defer not that till last which cannot be
Done oversoon, if undone ruins thee.


T'eternity to live on we no more
Have, but what here in time we lay in store.


To be reproach'd for early piety.
Far better is than damn'd eternally.


Good education makes good families,
And they again pure churches multiplies.


He that's content is rich, tho' ne'er so poor;
But poor, tho' rich, that can't content procure.


Two jubilees are held in heav'n: the one
Is when the angels sing before the throne
At the conversion of a sinner; next
Is when he is in heav'nly glory fix'd.


Bad times to live in are, for certainty,
The best of times for a good man to die.


Afflictions are hard meat for any taster;
But patience surely is a good digester.


Our spiritual state's best by our actions known,
Not only merely by a single one.


A Christian will not overtake a sin;
Yet the sincere hath overtaken been.


Sure sad conclusions might be drawn, and would
'Gainst some saints eminent, if that we should


Judge by the rule of some bad actions they
Were guilty of when in their house of clay.


As charitable to others if we were,
'Twere good, as partial to ourselves we are.


The best of saints assurance ne'er could gain,
If't did consist with no imperfect stain.


Cross sanctified hath in it mercies more,
Than comforts that unhallow'd are restore.


The company a man keeps ordinar'ly
Upon his life is a true commentary.


True godliness, tho' persecute, should be
Our choice before prophane prosperity.


'Tis faith's true nature always to make nigh
The things belonging to futurity.


It is difficult not to sin, when we
Our passions vent, and very angry be:
But dang'rous sure when anger we are in,
If by our passions we give place to sin.


Good scripture logic, sure it is, from thence
To draw conclusions of our confidence,
From premises of pure experience.


The poorest person in this world hath more
Than he brought with him of this earthly store:
And more than he can carry hence away,
When his dead corps shall mingle with the clay.


Duties are dang'rous when they're rested in,
Even as well as unrepented sin.


If mercy be not as a loadstone here
Unto our God to draw us still more near,
It will be as a milstone I can tell
To sink us deeper in the lowest hell.


'Tis sad to lose good men in any ways,
Yea in the best and most serenest days:
But when we lose them in the worst of times,
It looks like judgment on us for our crimes.



Just men and faithful from the earth decay,
And godly men do daily fade away.
Mourn, mourn, the loss; oh! Scotland hear the call,
Ev'n pillars of the earth we see them fall;
Shall we not dread the overthrow of all.
Doubtless the righteous are call'd off this stage,
Out of the way when God's fierce wrath shall rage,
While hypocrites are left to feel the smart,
God only knows the secrets of the heart:
Love waxeth cold, iniquities abound,
Among all ranks in ev'ry where around:
Sure they are bless'd that are in Jesus found.


I while alive did never cease to give,
On all occasions, counsel how to live,
How to behave in this vain world below,
Not to be doom'd unto eternal woe.
But now I'm dead, and no more can I say,
Except my tombstone bid you not delay
A moment longer in your soul's concern,
Till Christ in you be formed you discern.
O mind how dismal your last end will be,
Not to be found in Christ when you're to die!


An Epistle, or New-year's Gift, to a young Merchant in Perth, January 1st 1751.

This small Propine that I have penn'd
A new year's gift to you I send;
In hopes it will accepted be,
From one that has regard for thee.
What counsel here I do suggest,
Altho' it be not well express'd,
You'll pardon; for I had not time
To write good numbers, sense or rhyme.
Look round the world, my lad, and see,
If providence befriends not thee:
See thousands of as high a birth
Slaves unto toil, and low as earth;
While you sit easy, clean and neat,
And feed upon the best of meat;
Have company of ev'ry sort,
To which you will to make resort.
But be advis'd to have a care,
The worst of company forbear:
Bad company corrupts a youth;
Beware thereof, and cleave to truth.
Consider what Almighty Jove
Has done for you, and learn to love
Him for his goodness unto thee,
And follow after piety
Lay something up, for fear old age
With you shall happen to engage:
Wait on your business, and spend
Conform each day as you have gain'd.
Keep two diurnals, and each night
Look o'er them both if they be right;
I mean, what progress you have made
Both towards heav'n, and in your trade.
If at old age you don't arrive,
You may have children four or five,


And leave them tender, young and bare,
If of your trade you take not care.
Beware of pride; let not your gain
Puff up your mind, and make you vain:
Nor at your loss dejected be;
Remember all's but vanity.
Suppress each carnal appetite,
And never set your heart's delight
On pleasures that are momentary;
For all things here are transitory.
And cherish ev'ry pious thought
You by God's Spirit have been taught;
For pleasures that come from above
You'll find the most substantial prove.
If you incline to take a wife,
An helper meet for you thro' life,
Seek first direction from above,
Where, and on whom to fix your love,
And be advis'd good heed to take,
Wed not a wife for money's sake;
For love of pelf comes from the devil,
It causeth much mischief and evil:
Let not a Beauty tempt thy choice,
Nor yet a wanton charming voice;
For these may draw you in a snare,
Therefore, my friend, pray have a care:
Not the externals of a woman
Should be admir'd, tho' these are common;
But seek for one, till her you find
That has her beauties in her mind.
Farewel, my lad; I you commend
To him that's able to defend
Both you and me from evils all,
That any ways can us besal.
I am, Yours, &c. ALEX. NICOL.



If any time you have to spare,
Unto booksellers shops repair,
Where you your choice of books will find,
By which you may improve your mind;
And what you fancy take away,
And for each night what's custom pay:
No time nor cost can better be
Spent, than in dead men's company.
Take care what books you chuse to read,
So that they alter not your creed;
For books of heresies delude,
And do more evil far than good.
But innocent diversions may
Sometimes perhaps come in your way;
Take part thereof, not to excess,
They will your spirits much refresh.
A. N.

The Brevity of Human Life.

What's human life? alas! what need I ask?
To tell, none can adventure such a task.
Some say, a vapour; some, an empty dream;
Some say, 'tis like a bubble in a stream;
Some less than nothing, or mere vanity,
Or like a cloud before the winds that fly.
We cannot call it life; for life's a name
That none of all the human race can claim:
For here we stay, but as it were to bait,
And soon remove into another state.
We can't remember how we came to be,
Nor accidents prevent, or them foresee.
Death dogs behind us; yea, and ev'ry hour,
He doth some part of our frail life devour.


What we call life is nothing but deceit,
A counterfeit, a nothing, and a cheat:
For we are apt to think to-morrow will
Repay what we to-day have reck'ned ill:
To-morrow comes, perhaps, and yet we find
Its promises more empty are than wind.
Ev'n like the brooks that after sudden rain
Run rapidly, and travellers detain;
These travellers again that way return,
And find its banks and channels deep are worn:
Panting with thirst, yet can have no supply;
By summer's drought these brooks are parched dry:
By these of old, Sheba's and Tema's troops,
Were disappointed of their foolish hopes.
Objects of sense, yea whether pain or pleasure,
Steal off the time by which our life we measure:
Then all that's past is like a tale that's told,
All is but glass, instead of upright gold.
We seek for joy and satisfaction where
Nothing is found but sorrow, toil and care.
All the four ages of our longest life
Are folly, sin, hard labour, pain and grief.
Tost to and fro the little time we live,
All we enjoy no solid joy can give.
From one extreme we rush upon another,
And all our hopes in disappointment smother.
As sparks of fire fly upward, nat'rally,
Our life to troubles hath a tendency.
No part or scene of human life is bless'd;
For with afflictions God still tries the best,
And punishes the vicious, and his wrath
Pursues them still both at and after death.
So that if we the sweets of life would taste,
Sweets most substantial, that for ever last,
We must to God's good will always submit,
Who will dispose of us as he thinks fit.
Our transitory life, uncertain, and so short,
Must be well spent, if we would have comfort;


Each day we live still learning how to die,
And where to fix for our eternity.
Tho' to long time our lives cannot extend,
Yet our existence is not at an end:
Here we must win eternal well or woe,
Ere death at last shall strike the fatal blow.

The Eighth Chapter of Solomon's Proverbs.

Doth not Eternal Wisdom cry,
Let sons of men rejoice,
When Jesus Christ most pleasantly
To you lifts up his voice?
As't were, upon each height he waits,
By ev'ry path and way:
At village doors and city gates,
He calling thus doth say;
“To you, O mortal men, I call;
My voice is unto thee,
Or high or low, or great or small,
That son of Adam be.
Ye that are simple, understand
My wisdom, and be wise;
Ye fools give ear to my command,
And me no more despise.
Hear: for I'll speak things excellent,
My lips right things express:
To speak the truth is my intent,
I hate all wickedness.
All words that from my mouth proceed
Are in pure righteousness;
No froward thing's in them indeed,
Or ought that is perverse.
They all are plain to him that is
To understand inclin'd;
And right to him that only does
On knowledge set his mind.


Take my instruction, and withhold
Thine heart from silver bright;
My knowledge rather than fine gold
That glisters in thy sight:
For Wisdom sure is better far
Than richest rubies be,
And all things else inferior are
Can be desir'd by thee.
I Wisdom still with Prudence dwell,
I knowledge out do find
Of witty things that do excel,
And fit to store the mind.
The fear of God is to hate still
All arrogance and pride;
The froward mouth and way that's ill,
I cannot them abide.
Good counsel I can only give,
And Wisdom that's divine;
I understanding am, I have
Strength; yea, all things are mine.
By me kings reign, and princes, they
Their justice do decree;
By me they rule, and nobles sway,
And judges all that be.
I love them all most ardently
That have true love to me;
Who seek me early, certainly
I found of such shall be.
True wealth and honours are with me,
My riches last for ay;
With righteousness they deck'd shall be
That walk within my way.
My fruit surpasseth gold most fine;
My revenues exceed
The choicest silver from the mine,
That's often purified.


I lead in the most pleasant way
Of righteousness divine;
Amidst the paths of judgment I
Continually incline:
That I may cause them that me love
True substance to inherit,
I'll fill their treasures from above
With graces of my spirit.
The Lord Jehovah me possess'd
From all eternity,
Before his works of old, at first
Was none but he and me.
I was set up e'er time took place,
From all eternity;
Before the earth in being was,
Then, and before, was I:
When depths were none, brought forth was I,
When waters none could spring,
Before the hills and mountains high
God did in being bring:
While as the earth he had not made,
Nor fields nor forests fair,
Nor highest part of dust was laid,
I then existing were:
When he prepar'd the heav'ns above,
And fix'd the spangled sky,
Wherein the various planets move,
There with him, then, was I:
When on the depth a compass he
Did set upon its face,
And fix'd the clouds above that be,
And fountains knew their place;
When he the sea fix'd and decreed
His order not to pass,
When he the earth's foundation did
Appoint to know its place;


Then I was by him, like as one
Brought up with him, and I
Was his delight, and joy'd alone
Before him constantly;
Rejoicing in that part of earth,
Where saints were to remain;
And my delights, e'er they took birth,
Were with the sons of men.
Now therefore, O ye children dear,
Attend to me always;
For blessed are they that me hear,
And ever keep my ways.
Hear my instruction, and be wise,
And do it not refuse;
For blessed are they that always
To hear my words do chuse:
Who watches daily at my gates
Good counsel he shall gain;
Who at my door-posts daily waits,
My favour shall obtain:
For whosoever findeth me,
Their life shall surely save;
They of the Lord shall blessed be,
And still his favour have:
But he against me that doth sin,
His own soul wrongeth sore;
All they that hate me do incline
That death should them devour.”

The Love of Christ, An Hymn.

The Rose of Sharon is my love,
Sweet both in scent and show;
The fairest lily I'll approve
That in the vallies grow.


My Christ is altogether fair,
The chief of thousands ten;
There's none with him that can compare
Among the sons of men.
More glorious than hills of prey
Is Jesus, who for me
Did a far richer ransom pay
Than thousand worlds can be.
The tongues and pens of men below,
And angels all above,
Cannot the thousandth part forth show
Of my Redeemer's love.
No hyperboles can be express'd,
Nor no conception frame,
Can any mortal in the least,
To celebrate his fame.
Yet I will sing my Jesus' praise,
Tho' in a lisping strain;
In hopes the time will come to pass,
I'll sing with notes more plain.
O well may I say, Love is strong,
And cannot quenched be,
By all the waters that belong
To rivers and the sea.
And oh the heighth, depth, breadth and length
Of Jesus' love to those,
Who, by his own free grace and strength,
With him by cov'nant close!
As for its height; it was in heav'n
Before the world was fram'd,
When we were by the Father giv'n
To him to be redeem'd:
Its depth brought him to earth below,
To hell, and to the grave;
For he God's wrath did undergo,
Our souls from hell to save.


Its breadth extends from sea to sea,
To all the human race;
All Adam's sons will welcome be,
By faith that him embrace;
Yea from, and to, eternity
Its length is without change:
For whom he loves, he loves for ay:
Is not his love most strange?
O if I were beyond the skies
His glory to behold,
I'd ravish'd be with extasies
That here I could not hold.
There numbers numberless surround
His glorious throne above,
All bent his praises forth to sound
In songs of divine love.
No toil there is them to molest,
Nor ought like weariness;
No night is there, nor need they rest;
Their songs they never cease.
With expectation I will wait
Till that bless'd time shall come;
When my dear Lord shall me invite
Unto his presence home.

An Hymn on Death.

For certain, Lord, one day I must
Fall by the hand of death,
And turn to my origin dust,
And yield to thee my breath.
But how uncertain is the time
When death shall call on me?
It may be in my strength and prime;
Whene'er it pleaseth thee.


My times are wholly in thine hand,
My being is from thee;
Thou art my sov'reign to command,
I must submissive be.
Lord, grant me grace now to prepare
For that last enemy,
That I may be a conqueror
Through him that loved me.
Lord, take away the sting of death,
Which is the guilt of sin,
That when I must resign my breath,
With Jesus I may reign.
O Jesus, blessed be his name
To all eternity,
Who came to seek, save and redeem
Poor sinful worms like me!
How dreadful is approaching death,
Where sin's unpardoned!
The prospect of eternal wrath
Ten thousand deaths exceed:
But death unsting'd is a most sweet
Ambassador of peace,
That makes our joys to be complete,
And all our sorrows cease.
Lord, fill my soul with ev'ry grace;
O give me faith and love,
Repentance, self-denial, peace!
O set my thoughts above!
Prepare me, Lord, for death; that I,
When passing death's dark vale,
By faith on Jesus may rely,
And neither faint nor fail.


Hymn for a Fellowship Meeting.

Say, brethren, wherefore are we met?
What is our errand here?
Is it some stories to relate,
To gratify the ear?
Yes; 'tis to talk of stories true,
Of what was done of old,
What sacred records to us shew,
And us our teachers told.
Here is a story wond'rous strange,
And yet it is most true,
That one should happiness exchange
For mis'ries to ensue:
Yet this exactly was the case
Of God's eternal son;
He put himself in sinner's place,
And left his glorious throne,
Rather than sinners perish'd all,
As they behov'd to do;
In consequence of Adam's fall,
Hell-torments were their due.
He condescended to come down,
Our nature did assume,
To pacify his Father's frown;
He suff'red in our room.
No friend like to a friend in need;
And such a friend was he,
That for our sins spilt his heart's blood
Upon the cursed tree.
Our griefs and sorrows he did bear,
And by his stripes we're heal'd:
Yet we not friends, but en'mies were,
That 'gainst his laws rebell'd.


To us the name of Jesus shews
(When mis'ry we were in)
The greatest and the best of news,
Salvation for our sin:
Not only from the pow'r and guilt
Of sin he makes us free;
But us he highly doth exalt
To heav'n with him to be.
O could we feel the influence,
Of this transcendent love!
'Twould conquer self, make us intense
For things that are above.