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(5.) Narracio Bede.

Þat tyme seint Bede was liuonde,
Weore Mony kynges in þis londe.
Bi-twene two was gret Batayle—
Þerfore i telle þis Meruayle;
Þat on hiht Edfride, of North Cuntre,
Þat oþur of lindeseye was he.
Edfride hedde gret seygneri,
Seynt Andreu hosbonde of hely.
Þis Batayle was bi boþe heore a-sent
Bi-sydes a watur men calleþ Trent.
Sire Elfride broþur hette Eleswynne,
He was slayn þat Batayle Inne;
On boþe partys ne was non
So feir a kniht of fflesch and bon,
Ne non so douhti was of Armes—
Þerfore seint Bede pleynede his harmes.
A-noþur kniht was feld doun
Nerhonde ded, and fel in swoun;
Þe nome of þis ȝonge kniht
Ruyna, seiþ seint Bede, he hiht.
Whon þis Ruyna hedde long leyn,
He keuerde, and seet vp aȝeyn,
And stopped his woundes þei schulde not blede,
And, as he mihte, þennes he ȝede,
To seche him help sumwher to haue,
Of frendes fynde him to saue.
As he wente wiþ muchel drede,
He was taken wiþ kyng Coldrede;
And brouht him to a lordyng,
An Erl, þat heold of þe kyng.


Þe Erl asked him what he was,
And wher he hedde ben in hard cas.
ffor doute of deþ he was a-friht
And dorste not seye he was a kniht;
He seide: “sire, ȝif þi wille be,
I am an hosebonde-mon of þe cuntre,
I was wont to lede vitayle
To knihtes þat weoren in Batayle;
And nou I am a pore mon,
Þus fro þis Batayle I com,
And wolde fonde to haue my lyf,
Til I may come to my wyf.”
Þis Erl dude a leche bi stoundes
To tente to hym, to hele his woundes.
Þat tyme was here mony þeodes,
Mony vsages, and mony leodes,
ffor vche a kyng in þat dawes
Vsede his diuerse lawes:
Summe were cristene in vre fay,
And summe leeuede in paynymes lay;
Þerfore þat tyme was muchel þro,
And ofte was boþe werre and wo.
Ȝif a kniht miht oþer men take,
He scholde hem sulle or in seruage make.
Wherfore i telle so of þis kniht:
Þe Erl let him bynde eueriche niht,
Þat he ne scholde from hym fle
Ne stele a-wey to his cuntre.
ffor al þat þei mihte him bynde,
Ofte loos þei dude hym fynde;
Neuer so faste þeih heo him bounde,
Loos a-noþur tyme þei him founde.
Þis bounden kniht, Ruyna,
Hedde a Broþur, þat hihte Tymma;
Þis Tymma was prest Religious,
ffor he was Abbot of an hous,
So longe he liuede in þat estre
Þat his nome heet Tymmestre;
Þat tyme, as ich vndurstonde,
Hit was in Northhumberlonde.


Þis Abbot hedde tiþinges certeyne
Þat Ruyna was in Batayle slayne.
He com to Trent, þis Abbot Tymma,
And fond a bodi lyk to Ruyna;
Honorabliche he dude hit graue
In his chirche þer he wolde hit haue,
And song þerfore day and oþur:
He wende hit hedde ben his broþur.
Þauh Tymma hedde chosun wrong,
His broþur hedde þe goodus of þe song—
ffor God al wot, and wust hit þere
ffor whom he made his preyere:—
Þeih men a-niht þis kniht bounde,
A-Morwe þei hym loos founde,
Men mihte hym neuere bynde so fest
Þat þei þat tyme nolde al to-berst.
Þe men þat hedde þis kniht in holde,
Þis wondur to þe Erl þei tolde.
Þe Erl hedde þer-of gret wondur
Þat þis bondes weore so in-sondur;
He seide, him-self wolde wiþ him speke
And wite whi his bondes dude breke.
Bi-fore þe Erl was he set,
And þe Erl feire he gret.
“Sey me,” he seide, “þou belamy,
Const þou wel on sorcery?
Sum wicche-craft I trouwe þou bere
Þat þi bondes þe not dere;
fforsoþe,” he seyde, “sumwhat þou dos
Þat euer-more þei fynde þe loos.”
He seide: “wicche-craft con I nouht,
Ne for me schal non beo wrouht,
Ne I nul be by fendes craft
vn-bounde beo, bi no wicche-craft.
Sire Erl,” he seide, “hit is a-noþur:
In my cuntre I haue a Broþur,
Þat leeueþ wel þat I beo slayn,
ffor I com not hom aȝeyn;
ffor me he syngeþ vche day a Mes—
prest, abbot forsoþe he is.


I wot wel, þat is þe enchesun
Þat my Bondus here vndon;
ffor no þing ne haues pouwer
Aȝeyn þe sacrament of þe auter.
ffor, ȝif I weore ded, in oþur werld,
His preyere for me weore I-herd,
To bringe me out of peyne and wo,
And siþen to blisse forte go.”
Al þat Meyne and þat Erl
Leeuede wel he was no cherl,
as he to-fore hem hedde i-seid
Whon þei on hym furst hond leyd;
Bi his semblaunt and feir beryng
Hym semed wel a gret lordyng,
Bi his speche þei vndurstood
Þat he was mon of gentil blod.
Þe Erl tok him in priuite,
Wheþen he was telle scholde he;
“Sey me soþ, and, as I am trewe kniht,
Þou schalt no skaþe haue, be my miht.”
“Seþþhe þou me bi-hotest pes and griþ,
I am þe kynges mon Eldriþ;
Armes I bar in þat Batayle,
Wiþ my pouwer him to auayle.”
“So me þhouȝte,” seide þe Erl,
“Þou semed not to ben a cherl.
Bote for þi knowlechyng her me bye
Þou weore worþi for to dye,
ffor þou halp þer to slo,
Þat al my kynde is ded me fro;
Bote, for I er sikerde þe,
Scha[l]t þou haue no skaþe for me.”
He eode and sold him for Raunsoun
At Londone to a ffrisoun.
A ffrisoun, ȝe schul vndurstonde,
Is a Mon of ffrys-londe.
Þis ffrisoun scholde þis Mon forþ lede,
And dude on him bondes for drede,
ffor a-skapyng bi þe weye
He dude bondes on him leye.


Bot þat vaylede him no-þyng
Neuer a day, þat byndyng:
ffor in þat tyme þe masse was songen,
Þe bondes to-barst and al to-sprongen.
Þis ffrison þhouȝte: “hou may þis beo?
He may riht wel from me fleo;
Happyliche hit a-vayleþ nouht
Þe Catel þat I wiþ him bouht.”
Þe ffrison seide: “wolt þou wel
Restore a-ȝeyn al my Catel,
And I schal ȝiue þe leue to go
To þi Cuntre þat þou com fro.
But furst þou schalt me trouþe pliht,
And trewely hold hit wiþ al þi miht,
To bringe þe Catel I ȝaf for þe,
And elles I graunte þe not fre.”
He graunted him al þat he seide,
And trouþe in hond wiþ hym he leide.
Þis Ruyna wente to kyng loer,
Þat was kyng of Caunturber—
He was seint Andreus suster sone,
And Ruyna was wont wiþ hym to wone;
Of al his stat, boþe wo and wele,
Ruyna told him eueridele.
Þe kyng ȝaf him his Raunsun;
And [he] bar hit to londun to þat ffrisun.
Seþþe eode he hom, þis kniht Ruyna,
To his broþur, Abbot Timma,
And tolde him of al his wo-fare
And of his cumfort in al his care.
Þis Abbot wel vndurstood
Þat his Masse dude him gret good
And þe sacrament gon hym borwe
Out of seruage and out of sorwe.
Þis tale telleþ vs seynt Bede
In his gestes þat we Rede.—
Bi þis tale may men lere
Þat Masses helpeþ vs wel here:
ffor vs liuynge hit makeþ Memorie,
Also for þe soules in purgatorie.


Vche mon schal leeue þat riht
Þat helpen hit wolle as [hit] dude þe kniht.
Þis sacrament helpeþ not ȝit alone,
Bote þe offrynges euerichone,
Al þat we offre atte Mes,
Al to vre saluacion hit is.
Not only forte saue þe dede,
Þe quike hit saueþ also and rede;
As wel haue þe quike þe prou
As þe dede þerof þe vertu nou;
Quike and dede, More and lesse
Ben I-saued þorwh þe Messe.
Þe Offringe is as a present,
Þat helpeþ vs wiþ þe sacrament,
To þe ffadur of heuene tentefuly,
ffor whom þou offerest to haue Merci.
A tale I fond ones I-writen,
And as I sauh hit, I wol ȝe witen,
And wel a-cordeþ in alle þinge
Þat God is payed of good offringe.