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Sein Iame þe gode apostel riȝt is to habbe in mone
Sein Iones broþer þe wangelist & Godes aunte sone
His moder was oure Leuedi soster Marie Salome
Of kunde gode he was icome ne miȝte no betere be[o]
He aȝte wel him sulf be[o] god ȝe mowe wel yse
In þe lond of Samary he prechede and in Iude
Þoru is prechinge mony he turnde to Cristendom


To Ermogines þe luþer prince þe tidinge sone com
Þulke prince was wicche strong and enchanteor also
Þoru þe deuel he wolde alday gret miracle do
An deciple he hadde of is art Filet was is name
To sein Ieme he sende him to fonde to him ssame
Ȝif he miȝte wiþ is art sein Ieme ouercome
Togadere hi come forto plaide as þe day was inome
Godes deciples & þe deueles bigonne to plaidi vaste
Ac sein Iame Godes deciple aboue was attelaste
Blinde men he ȝaf hore siȝt and helede ek in þe place
Meseles and croked ek þoru oure Louerdes grace
Þo Filet isei him ouercome to is maister he wende sone
Ermogines & tolde him fore as riȝt was to done
Sire he sede ne hope þou noȝt to come Iames wiþinne
For noȝt it is for þou nesselt ouercome him wiþ no ginne
Þereuore do as ichelle rede ga we to him we tweie
And crie him mercy and bicome his deciples beie
For siker þou be[o] ichelle it do þei þou nolle noȝt also
So wroþ was þe prince þo þat he nuste wat do
Þoru is strengþe & þoru is art Filet he made anon
Þat he nemiȝte him namore wawe þanne miȝte a ded ston
Nou he sede we solleþ ise[o] wat Iames þe mai do her
Were he mowe aȝen me þe vndo and aȝen mi godes poer
He het him ligge as a stok & forþ fram him he wende
Filet nom a man anon & sein Ieme word sende
Hou uaste þoru þe deueles miȝte he lay þere ibonde
And bad him helpe his deciple & bringe þane deuel to gronde
Sein Ieme him sende a lite cloþ þat he wiþ him ber
Þat he touched him þerwiþ & sede þes to uers of þe sauter
Oure Louerd vnbind þat beoþ ibonde þe blind he ȝifþ siȝte


Oure Louerd hom riȝt þat beoþ ihurt oure Louerd loueþ þe riȝte
Þo Filet hadde al þis ised as sein Ieme him word sende
Vnbonde he was of is bendes & woder he wolde he wende
He þretnede faste Ermogines to sein Ieme he com
And Godes deciple was & is and aueng Cristendom
Þ[o] Ermogines hurde þis þat he was so vnbunde
And þat sein Iame hadde ibroȝt al is dede to gronde
He coniurede moni deuelen þat hi to him wende
Wel ȝe witeþ he sede hou it is þat ich after ȝou sende
Oure alre uo Iames myn deciple me haþ bynome
Bote ȝe beo strengore þan ich be[o] we beoþ ouercome
Ich hote þat ȝe wende anon and doþ a god preie
Nymeþ and bringeþ hom to me faste ibonde beie
Certes bote ȝe mowe it do as ȝe wel yseoþ
Oure poer nis noȝt worþe an hawe ac ouercome we beoþ
Hi come fle[o] up in þe lift ouer þe apostel sein Ieme
Anon so hi were ouer him icome hi gonne to grenne & feme
Belwy and wel grislich crie Iemes hy sede þin ore
We berneþ ar it be[o] oure tyme and beoþ itormented sore
Wo tormenteþ ȝou quaþ sein Ieme and wat doþ ȝe nou here
Bote we come þe deuelen sede to nyme þe and þine uere
Ermogines us made hider wende þoru is coniuringe
Þat we ȝou ssolde uaste ibonde boþe to him bringe
Ac þo we come ouer þe angles to us come
Wiþ bernynge raketeien and faste us bonde & nome
Here hy us beteþ and tormenteþ wiþ bernynge fure
Awey Iames wat ssolle we do we nemowe noȝt þus dure
A Iemes Iemes leue louerd of us wrecches haue reuþe


And we nolleþ neuere eft nei þe come we wolleþ pliȝte oure truþe
Ȝe wrecche foles quaþ sein Ieme inot wat ȝe wolde here
Of þat ȝe þoȝte anuye me drawe ȝe ssolle arere
Al vnbonde ich ȝiue ȝou leue aȝen forto fle[o]
And bringeþ him þat ȝou hider sende faste ibonde to me
Þat ȝe ne do him non oþer harm for ichelle wiþ him speke
Wel is us nou queþe þis ssrewen we worþe wel awreke
To Ermogines hi come anon and to gronde him caste
Hi drowe him and bonde is honden bihinde him wel uaste
Þeof hi sede þou ssenst us þere we grete wowe uelde
In gret torment & bernynge and nou we wolleþ þe ȝelde
Hy harlede uorþ þane wrecche & to sein Ieme him broȝte
Lo sire hi sede lo he her þat such torment us wroȝte
Ȝeue us ferst leue þat we mote oure tormens awreke
Þe grete vnriȝt þat he þe dude a[r] þou wiþ him speke
Nai certes quaþ þis holy man ȝe ne ssolleþ noȝt so
For oure Louerd het þat we ssolde god for uuel do
W[hi] ne come ȝe noȝt ney Filet þat stont here bi me
Wel þou wost þis oþer sede we ne mowe noȝt for þe
No goþ henne quaþ sein Ieme to ȝoure kunde stude
And necomeþ nei no godman þei a fol ȝou habbe ybede
Euere stod Ermogines and cride milce & ore
And quakede for drede & for pine wepinge wel sore
Filet Filet quaþ sein Iame þeos haþ [þe schame] ido
Þou sselt do god aȝen vuel for mi Louerd us het so
He bond þe þo þou were [vn]bonde and aȝen þulke dede
Þou sselt vnbinde him þat is ibonde for so mi Louerd sede
Go ware þou wolt quaþ sein Iame for mi Louerd nele noȝt
Þat enymon aȝen is wille to him be[o] ibroȝt


A mercy quaþ Ermogines þis deuelen me bete so sore
Þat i ne der go a uot fram þe leste hy me kippe more
Ȝif hy me caccheþ hi wolleþ me sle þeruore ich bidde þe
Tak me somwat þat ich mowe for ȝam bere wiþ me
Sein Iame him tok anne staf anhonde go nou forþ he sede
Þer nis no deuel þat nei þe dorre come nou for drede
Attelaste he wende forþ is bokes alle he nom
Þat he hadde of enchantement & to sein Ieme aȝen com
And bad him forberne al is bokes sein Ieme hom nom anon
And caste hom in þe deope se faste ibonde echon
Merci him þoȝte Ermogines & bad him Cristendom
So þat he icristned was & godman bicom
Abiacar þat was þo bissop luþer inou
For þis dede he was wroþ wiþ sein Iame wiþ wou
He nom him uaste & swor is oþ þat he ssolde abugge dure
To Erodes þe king he let him lede a rop aboute is sweore
Erodes ȝa[f] þe dom anon is þrote to smite ato
Iosie he was itake þis dede forto do
A rop he dude aboute is swere & ladde him to is dome
A man he helde of þe palsie ar he þuder come
Þo Iosie þis isei merci anon he cride
He let him cristni þere anon he nolde no leng abide
Biheueded he was bi sein Iame in þe place anon riȝt þere
A seinte Marie dai in Leinte biheueded boþe hy were
Ac Holy Churche þulke feste of sein Ieme holde ne may
For þe heie feste of oure Leuedi þat me halt þulke day
Biuore Lammasse seueniȝt we holdeþ þe day þere uore
Þulke day þat is body was into ssrine ibore
Anon so sein Iame þe holiman biheueded was þere
His deciples him wolde awei lede ac hi nedorste for fere
Hi awaitede hore time wel wanne noman þer nei nere
And þat bodi stilleliche out of þe contreie bere
In þe se hi broȝte it in a ssip and forþ þerwiþ wende
And nome no ȝeme woderward bote as God hom sende


Þat ssip wende forþ him sulf and ariuede a day
In þe lond of Galeis þere as þe quene lay
Þat ssrewe was & luþer inou sein Iames men anon
Þat body nome up of þe ssip and leide it up a ston
As euene imad to þe holy bodi as enymon wolde bidde
Þe ston orn abrod anon and holou bicom amidde
Ne ssolde noman s[o] euene þrowe in lengþe ne in brede
Make to him as þulke ston bicom as monymon sede
Þe deciples as riȝt was to þe quene erst wende
Dame hi sede we habbeþ ibroȝt þat oure Louerd þe sende
Sein Iames bodi his apostel þat þou ofte nome þi red
Wile he was quik to lete him nyme as monymon haþ ised
Oure Louerd him haþ hider isend as he him sulf bed
Loke ware þou him legge wolt for icome he is to þe ded
A traitors quaþ þe luþer quene ware ȝe beo of his
Wanne i ne miȝte of him be[o] awreke ichelle of ȝou iwis
Þis godemen he nom & to þe king of Spaine hom alle sende
Þat he hom broȝte to strong deþ oþer to ȝare lawe hom wende
Echone þe kyng nom anon and to strong prison broȝte
Oure Louerd ne forȝet hom noȝt ac sone on hom þoȝte
For an angel fram heuene com & þe prison brak wel sone
Þo þe king was iwar þerof he nuste wat was to done
Kniȝtes he let sende inowe after hom wel wide
Þat febliche hi gonne in hore neode for ssame hom gon bitide
For as hi wolde uppon a brugge after þis godemen gon
Vnder hom þe brugge brak and hi adreinte echon
Þo þe tidinge com to þe king he was sori inou
Of þe luþer þoȝte þat he þoȝte for drede he wiþdrou
To hom he sende mildeliche þat hi come aȝen him to
And þat he wolde uaire amende þat he hom hadde misdo


To þe king hi wende þo aȝen hom faire he com
Ware þoru he and al þat lond auenge Cristendom
Þe king sende þe quene word al ȝare wille to do
Sori was þe quene þo and sore anuyd also
Ac heo nedorste beo aȝen is heste nere hure neuere so wo
Wilde bollokes he weste fele up an hei hul go
Goþ he sede upe þulke hul vinde ȝe mowe þere
Oxen and bolen strong inou forto bere ȝoure bere
Teieþ hom to þulke waine and þat bodi leggeþ þere inne
And ledeþ woder ȝoure wille beo Mahones leue habbe ȝe & myne
For þe bollokes wilde were þe luþer quene so sede
For hi ne ssolde hom temie noȝt eny þing to lede
Þe deciples wende forþ to þulke hulle heie
A furi dragon aȝen hom come wel sone here uppe hi seie
He blaste fur wel grislich and hom asaillede uaste
Mony men he hadde aslawe & þe contreie of him agaste
Þe signe sone of þe crois þe men hom made biuore
Anon hadde þis luþer worm is poer forlore
A uot nemiȝt he uer gon þe deciples anon forþ wende
And topounede it al to deþe & eche pece fram oþer rende
Þe bollokes & þe wilde steres þat were er so wilde
Wanne hi come oȝt toward hi bicome al milde
Hi chose out þe beste þat hi wolde & to þe waine broȝte
Hi drowe so mildeliche þat hom wondrede in hore þoȝte
Þis men nome þis holy body and upe þe wain it leide
Þis bestes drowe it mildeliche wiþoute eni foul breide
Softe and faire & euene inou þere as þe quene was
Hure wondrede & dradde sore þo he[o] sei þis cas
He[o] forsok hure false lay and turnde to Cristendom
For þe wonder þat heo say god womman he[o] bicom
Al hure paleis þat he[o] was inne of lim and of ston
Forto honuri þis holy body he[o] grantede hom anon
Amidde þe paleis þis holyman hi bure[de] fair inou
Þat folk euere more and more þuder faste drou


Heo let þere rere a noble churche & gret tresour ȝaf þerto
And gret lond þat ȝute þerto liþ and gret rente also
Ware þoru of religion a gret hous nou þere is
Of canons þat men ȝute secheþ at sein Iame in Galis
Moni miracles of pilgrims þer haþ ofte icome
Þei we ne mowe noȝt alle telle þenche we mote of somme
At o time þritti men pilgrims bycome
To sein Iames þe holi stude as hi er þen wey nome
As hy wende bi þe wei so gret loue hi hadde & triwe
And god heorte ech toward [oþer] þat hy made uorward niwe
Þat non nessolde failli oþer in peril ne in neode
Wed breþeren hi bicome echone as hi þis wei ȝeode
Truþe hi pliȝte al bote on ac he nolde is noȝt pliȝte
Ac þe uorward he bihet he wolde holde up al is miȝte
So þat it fel bi þe wei þat þe on vuelede a day
And vnder þe hul of sein Michel wel longe sik lay
His felawes þat him were ipliȝte viftene dawes þere
Abide him þat hom þoȝte longe for sore anuyd hi were
Hi seide we nolleþ him no leng abide let him ligge stille
We mote do oure pilrenage do God bi him his wille
Þis were lo wonder breþeren mo suche me may finde
For swikedom geþ nou forþ & triwenesse byhinde
Hy nome hore leue and wende hom uorþ & let him ligge echon
Bote þulke þat nolde is truþe pliȝte a uot he nolde gon
Certes he sede God do is wille and lete ȝou wel wende
Inelle a uot fram him gon ar ich wite of him som ende
Mid him he bileuede al one forte þat he ded were
Betere is triwe dede þanne fals word as it was isene þere
For suche beoþ lo þis bostares þat bloweþ mon of winde
And bihoteþ Rome and Ierusalem ac þe dede is bihinde


Þis triwe mon þat bileuede þer wel sore adrad was
For he was so fer fram toune & noman nei him nas
For he was wiþ þe dede al one and it was nei niȝte
He nuste wat wiþ þe body do bote sein Iame him helpe miȝte
His help he bad wiþ gode herte & in þe eueninge riȝt
Sein Iame com to him ride in atir of a kniȝt
Com her he sede forþ wiþ me nedar þe noþing drede
Biuore me cast þat body her & ich him wole hanne lede
And lep up þisulf bihinde me and þo þis wa[s] al ido
Sein Iame ladde þane dede uorþ and þe quike also
Viftene iorneis grete ar daie in þulke litel wile
To þe mont of ioie biside sein Iames half a mile
Þo hi come to þulke mont sein Iame gan abide
Go he sede to þe quike man to þe chirche þer biside
And sei mine canons þat þere beoþ þat ich hom bi þe sende
Mi pilgrim þat me was lef þat triweliche my wei wende
Þat hi him burie among hom wiþ faire seruise and liȝte
For ded he ssel þuder come wanne he aliue nemiȝte
Seie hom þat þine felawes were hore wei is al forlore
For hore truþe þat hy breke in hore felawe biuore
And þe ichelle þine wile ȝelde þat hast þus truwe ibe[o]
Mid þis word he wende forþ þat he nemiȝte him more ise[o]
Aboute þis bodi for þis miracle þat folk gan þicke reke
Her me mai somdel ise[o] wuch it is truþe to breke
And wuch it is þane holy wei to sein Iemes to go
So murie was þis miracle þat ȝute ich mot telle mo