University of Virginia Library

Felawe,’ quaþ Tirri, ‘gramerci.
Iuel biladde now am y.
Oft fram deþ þou hast me scheld,
& neuere no haddestow for me ȝeld.
Ȝif þou wilt fro me go,
Þou me sext neuer mo.
Al-so sone so it wite our fon,
Þat þou art fro me gon,
On ich side ous schal arise werre
Of Almeyns, Lombardes neye & ferre,
Þat ben Otus kinsmen;
For he was come of gret ken.
Þe king of Speyne his em is,
His soster haþ wedded þe douke Moralis.
Doukes, erls of gret pouste
His deþ wille þai wite me.
In wer & wo schal y be
Þer-while þe liue is in me.


& ȝif we were togider baye,
Of wer no þurt ous stond no aye.
And ȝif þou here wiþ me bileue wold,
Anouȝ we haue of siluer & of gold,
Gode cites and castels strong,
Þe feirest and þe best of þis lond.
Wiþ douke Loer ichil be,
& alle Gormoise ichil ȝiue þe
Wiþ alle þe worþschip þat liþe þer-to
& ȝete an oþ ichil þe do
Þat neuere þe worþ of a pani
Ichil þer-of chalangij.’