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Africk and Asia now farewell: I'le stride
The Helespont and Europe's hand I'l take.
I'le take in hand to search her quarters wide,
To find the beams that Graces Glorys make
Fall from the stars placde in her skies that shake.
Constantinople when Cyriacus
Who Crowned Phocas sore against his Will
Had spent his Beams, Thomas Diaconus
Did him succeed whose glory great did fill
His Palace built most splendid by his skill.


To him succeeded John, then Constantine
In Doctrine Orthodox, their Lives not shown.
Then Sergy, Pyrrus, Paul, in errours Slime
Then Theodore, who's somewhat better grown
Then George whose Errour he condemnd its known.
German then followd him, whom Pogone quelt
And Challynick came after in, whose Eyes
Justinian dugg out, all in a pelt
And sent him thence to Rome in such a guise
Alipy in Adrianople lies.
Some few we find in Thrace in Corinth and
At Athens, Eubea and Sicily.
Paul in Altinum and Torcellum strand
Paul Petavine to Metamauke did fly
And great Altine to Venice first did high.
Whereas I now should measure Italy
I finding Patience here so beautifide,
I shall omit her glory till I ply
A quill dropt from her Wing for to describe
Her glory with, as coming in this tide.
Some few in France I pick up take them here
Trajectum had John Agnus whose reply
When calld unlearnd, I as unfit appear
As my dry staff to bear, which by and by
Brought forth a lamb; he soon taught learnedly.
Remaclus flourisht in this Church indeed
With Piety and Preaching shined bright
And Lambert too whose blood was shed we read
Cause his rebuke did on King Pepin light
For that he had a Harlot. Such will bite.
Manswetus preacht good Gospell at Millan
And Benit too a pious man of Faith
Viennas glory Desidery came
Because he rounds the Queen's vile sin, she pay'th
Him first in Exile; then with stones him flay'th.


Traviers is beautifide with Rodoald
Arles with Cesarius of Holy shine,
Eligius at Noviomage's instald
At Senona Amatus was Divine
Exild for sin reproofs to th'King and 'Ebron.
At Mets did Arnulph flowrish whose cast ring
Ith river was restord to him again
Out of a Fish in token that his Sin
Was pardon'd. Clodulph, then its said did gain
The Place his father left, of pious strain.
We may conclude France sparkled with more jems
And of a better luster far than here
Which in a lower orb of Grace's stems
Shone in their day where of their writters geer
Hath, looking loftily, not made appeare.
Step we to Spain, Cesaraugustus shows
Us Braulio and Taio, worth a name
And Corduba as lean of stars, now grows
Waring Severus of a learned strain
Yet Isidore of Sevil learnd out came.
Toletum's glorifide by Eugeny,
Who of all western Churches was the light
With holiness and Scripture knowledge high
Then Ildefonse whose pains and learned might
Struck down Pelagianism in its height.
I'le stem the Rhine. Now Germany what cheare?
At Saltsburge Rupert and his Consort shine,
Who the Bojavians and others there
Who nothing thought of Happ[i]ness divine
Converted to the Christian Faith and line.
At Renspurg Haimeran was abusde
At Wirtzburge Lalian the Scot up rose
An innovator. Victor at Worms musde
At Colen Cunibert with learning shows
Both sacred and Prophane, and overflows.
I'le kiss my Native soile: In England see
At Canterbury Laurence bishop sprang
Honorious after him, Deodate hee
Him followd now th'Archbishoprick began
Then Theodore a Greek, all Popish gang.


Berechuald then and then Berslanard came
All tipt with Romish rites yet wrought their parts.
Militus bishop London did obtain.
Justus at Rochester, both these upstarts
Were Canterbury bishops full of Arts.
At Rochester these men unsu'de into seate
Romanus, Ithamar, and Damian
Putta, Chelmus and Bebmund, all grown great.
With stuff of new religion, change began,
Corrupting of the ilse by things of man.