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A Meditation, occasioned by the same Prisoners calling to mind, Jeremies Prophecie to Ebed-melech, the Blackmore, Jerem. 39. 15.

I am oblig'd, as much as I am able,
To be to other men as comfortable
As they have been to me; and, though
And Peter said long since) Gold I have none as John
Nor silver) what I have, I will repay,
And, that, perhaps, may useful be some way.
What was Ebed-melech, but, one of those
Who, Nationally, were esteemed Foes,


To GOD, and to his Church? which way, can we
By what is writ of him, advantag'd be
More then by other Common Histories,
If, from what's mention'd in such Peophesies,
We may not with good warranty, apply
The same rewards of Faith and Charity,
(To ev'ry man in every Generation)
Which was recorded by the Jewish Nation,
Both to infuse and warrant, the same hope
Which was confirmed to this Æthiope?
But, doubtlesly we may; since, for our learning
For our direction, comfort and forewarning,
All those things, principally, were ordain'd
Which, in the holy Scriptures are contain'd.
This person, represents to us, our state
By nature, and as men regenerate.
The life of Jeremiah he preserved,
Who, else, within a Dungeon had been starved:
Him, forth out of a lothsome Pit he drew,
When, nor Prince, Peer, or Priest, nor any Jew
To him vouchsafed mercy: he, alone,
Did more then any Isra'lite had done,
Although a Gentile, and a Courtier too,
Who, seldom, works of Charity, will do.
And, this, was so accepted of the LORD,
That by the self same Prophet, he sent word
(Ev'n whilst that he detain'd in Prison was
As I am now) that, when upon the place
Of his abode, the dreadful doom foretold
Inflicted was, he should the same behold;
And, that, to him, on their destruction day
His life, should be vouchsafed, for a prey.
This Signal Mercy to my mind was brought,
In this place, pertinently, (as I thought)


Why, from this Patern therefore, may not I
Who, for declaring truth, imprison'd lie,
Shew forth that mercy which I have receiv'd
And whereby, I am hitherto repriev'd
From what to me, might probably have been
As bad, as that which Jeremy was in?
For, Age and Poverty, in such a place,
Might quickly have destroy'd one in my case.
My Soul, for this Compassion, praise thou him
Who hath vouchsafed it; and blesse thou them
My gracious GOD, who were the Instruments
In that, which my destruction here prevents:
Although, they of a forraign Nation are not
They, Neighbours, Kinsmen, or Familiars were not
But all of them (except a very few)
Such, as untill of late, I neither knew
In Person, or by name; some of them be
In judgement also, differing from me
In some points; which, infallibly doth prove
Their Faith is true, and perfected by Love.
Their Charity. (This I dare boldly say)
GOD, will reward, upon their Tryal day;
And, in those future dreadful Visitations
Which, likely are, to come upon these Nations
Preserve their lives, to see them, who oppresse,
Receive their portions with the merciless.
As sure, as I yet live, it will be thus;
Or, they, at least, when Christ calls them, with us,
Before his Judgement-throne; repaid will be
What they have here vouchsafed unto me;
For, mercy, though extended to a Beast
(Much more to man) with some reward is blest,
And, though I were a more unworthy wretch
Then was by Nature, that Ebed-melech,


Yet, forasmuch, as me they have received
As one of Christs Disciples, and relieved,
(What er'e I am) he, Charity regards,
And, they, accordingly shall have rewards.
Newgate, Sept. 26. 1661.