University of Virginia Library


You never said a word to me
That was cruel, under the sun;


It is n't the things you do, darling,
But the things you leave undone.
If you could but know a wish or want
You would grant it joyfully;
Ah! that is the worst of all, darling,
That you cannot know nor see.
For favors free alone are sweet,
Not those that we must seek;
If you loved as I love you, darling,
I would not need to speak.
But to-day I am helpless as a child
That must be led along;
Then put your hand in mine, darling,
And make me brave and strong.
There 's a heavy care upon my mind,
A trouble on my brain;
Now gently stroke my hair, darling,
And take away the pain.
I feel a weight within my breast,
As if all had gone amiss;
Oh, kiss me with your lips, darling,
And fill my heart with bliss.
Enough! no deeper joy than this
For souls below is given;
Now take me in your arms, darling,
And lift me up to heaven!