University of Virginia Library

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

The following courses are given in alternate years:

Botany C1: Plant Structures and Their Functions: Botany B1 prerequisite.—The
microscopical anatomy of the higher plants, with special
reference to the physiological rôle of the various systems of tissues;
detailed study of the cell; the different systems of tissues found in plants;
the relation of different plants to their surroundings. Much attention
will be given to methods used in microscopic technique, such as fixing and
embedding material; cutting, staining, and mounting sections, etc. A
considerable part of the work of the third term will be done in the
field, studying plants in their natural habitats. (B. A. or B. S. credit,
6 session-hours.) Two lectures and two three-hour laboratory periods
weekly, by appointment. Cabell Hall. Dr. Maneval.

Botany C2: Plant Pathology and Physiology: Botany B1 prerequisite.—Fungi
and the diseases that they cause; elementary principles of
plant physiology. Credit and hours as for Botany C1. Cabell Hall. Dr.
Maneval. Omitted in 1915-1916.