University of Virginia Library

For Undergraduates.

Course 1B: General Geology.—Three lectures and one laboratory hour
per week throughout the session. A general discussion of dynamical,
structural, physiographical, and historical geology, with practical work
in the laboratory and excursions in the field. As full an exposition of
the fundamental principles of geology will be given as the time will
allow. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9-10. Laboratory hours by appointment.
Adjunct Professor Grasty.

Course 2B: General Physical Geology.—A course of three (3) lectures
per week and nine (9) additional hours per week for laboratory and
field work, and private study, throughout the year. The divisions of
Dynamical, Structural, and Physiographical Geology are covered in considerable
detail. Especial emphasis is given the rock-forming minerals
and rocks, building stones, and ores. Special course for students in
Engineering. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 12-1. Laboratory, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, 10-12. Professor Watson.

Course 3B: Mineralogy.—Three hours of lectures and one laboratory
hour, throughout the year. This course is for beginners, and it serves
both as a general course in the subject, and as an introduction to more
advanced work. Especial attention is given to Crystallography, Physical
and Chemical Mineralogy, and Descriptive Mineralogy. The second portion
of the course will be devoted to Descriptive Mineralogy, including a
study of the classification, properties, modes of formation, association and
occurrence, and uses of minerals. Hours by appointment. Adjunct
Professor Grasty.

Term Course: Second Term: Determinative Mineralogy.—A practical
study of mineral species by means of blow-pipe analysis. The object of
this course is to gain familiarity with the common minerals and facility
in their identification. Six hours laboratory work per week, winter
term. Hours by appointment. Mr. Taber.

A laboratory fee of three dollars is required.