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Hymn 6.

[Arm of the Lord, awake, arise]

“Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon.” —[Joshua x. 12.]

Arm of the Lord, awake, arise,
And save a soul that hangs on Thee;
Put on Thy strength, and bow the skies,
And work Thy ancient work in me,
Thy grace miraculous display,
The rapid course of nature stay.
My Joshua, bid the sun stand still,
Suspend the storm in mid career,
Arrest the torrent of my will,
Restrain me from the sin I fear;
The power of loving faith impart,
And fix my poor unsettled heart.


Jesus, my constant Jesus stand
Betwixt my bosom-sin and me:
Nature submits to Thy command,
All things are possible to Thee;
Thou Infinite in love and power,
Preserve me, that I sin no more.