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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XCVII.

The Argument.

This Psalme in sprite: doth gratulate,
Christes kingdome cleare: immaculate:
Wherby such lyght: hath God detect,
That truth was raisde: and lyes deiect.

Dominus regnauit.


The lyuing Lord: doth raigne as king
The erth therfore: full glad may sing
The iles may ioy: so many sene,
That he is come to make thē clene.


Thicke cloudes and darke: be him about,
On wycked men: to thunder stout:
Both iustice right: and equitie,
Of his high throne: the bases bee.



The fyre him goeth: before in sight,
Wyth blasing leames: of fearefull lyght:
By which full wyde: he doth enflame,
Hys foes to burne: which scorne his name.


His lighteninges shyne: the world full out,
On euery side: whote sparkes to spout:
The earth at sight: for feare doth quake,
No puissance can: resistence make.


The mountaynes hye: as waxe did melte,
At God his face: thus present felt:
I say at face: of Lord so hye,
The earth dyd feale his maiestye.


The heauens declare: his rightwisnes,
When he by them: strikth wickednes:
All peoples thus: his glory sawe,
How drad he is: whom all should awe.


Ashamde be all: which Idols serue,
Who chose vayne gods: from God to swerue
Ye angels all: which seruauntes be,
Come worship hym: bowe downe your knee.


So Sion ioyed: in hearing this,
And Iury ioyd: in townes of hys:
O Lord for these: thy domes entent,
That such should haue: sharpe punishment.


For thou O Lord, doost all excell,
That here by low: in earth do dwell:
Exalted far: in name thou art,
Aboue all Gods: so new vpstart.



O ye that loue: thys Lord so hye,
Hate ye all vyce: of mawmetrye:
He keepth theyr soules: who serue hym pure,
From wycked hand: to ryd them sure.


Now lyght is sprong: to ryghteous man,
That day from darke: discerne he can:
And ioy is falne: to rightfull hart,
From whence no power: can hym depart.


Then ioy ye iust: in thys your Lord,
Thys lyght, hys grace: alway record:
Hys holines: well thynke and thanke,
Hys name confesse: therin be franke.