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The leaves have been whisp'ring all the day,
They are trembling still in the air;
And I think I can guess what they wish to say,
What message to me they bear.


For my darling has been in the wood, I know,
By the way we used often to pass,
And the little foot that is whiter than snow,
Has brushed the dews from the grass.
And if leaves could speak they would tell me this,
That she leaned here tenderly,
And plucking a flower she gave it a kiss,
And told it her love for me.
And she called me her own, her own, her own,
And she said it again and again;
For her heart I know is a happy throne,
Where lord of her love I reign.
Ah leaves, dear leaves, that tremble and thrill
When woo'd by the summer wind,
Your whispers my soul with a rapture fill,
My heart with their spell they bind.
Oh tell her, sweet leaves, when she comes this way,
And rests 'neath your happy tree,
That I love her—oh, better than words can say,
That she's all in all to me.
And tell her, oh tell her, my love, my life,
So close to my heart she lies,
That the day I call her my bride, my wife,
Will turn earth to Paradise.