University of Virginia Library



Shades of British naval worthies, Europe's dread and glo ry,
Hawke, Howe, Duncan, Digby, Effingham, and Drake,
Rooke, Rodney, Russel, Raleigh, Benbow, and Boscawen,
Hardy, Keppel, Parker, Vernon, Kempenfelt, and Blake;
High on the lists of fame your deeds shall live recorded,
Protectors of old Albion, your envied happy Isle,
But now Britannia sighing droops, and mourns a greater warrior,
For fall'n is gallant Nelson, the Hero of the Nile.
Soon as the fatal bullet laid low this pride of Britain,
Neptune shook his hoary locks, and shrieks proclaim'd his grief;
The dastard foemen loud rejoic'd, when down the seamen bore him,
Each British tar shed tears for their long-lov'd matchless chief:


Tho' soon they struck, and strike they must, while freedom warms a Briton,
And commerce, arts, and industry make blest our far-fam'd Isle,
Yet dear-bought is the victory when bleeds a nation's warrior,
And long will future ages mourn the Hero of the Nile!
To the scourges of mankind, the oppressors of their country,
Let pride rear the column, bust, and splendid works of art;
Our great immortal Nelson, still, still in quest of glory,
Has left a lasting monument in ev'ry British heart:
And while a vaunting enemy shall threaten us with slavery,
Our tars for their country will meet death with a smile;
Revenge will nerve each arm, whene'er they think of his bravery,
Who fell our nations glory, the Hero of the Nile!