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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 107.

[Repentance, when wrought in the Soul]

Heb. 6. 1, 2. Not laying again the Foundation of Repentance from dead Works, and of Faith towards God, ver. 1. Of the Doctrine of Baptism, and laying on of Hands, &c. ver. 2.

[The First Part.]

Repentance , when wrought in the Soul,
And Faith for to believe,
Then such on Jesus Christ rely,
And truly him receive
As their dread Lord and Sovereign
Him always to obey,
And in all things o're them to reign,
And govern night and day.


Christ's Baptism is very sweet,
With laying on of Hands,
Our Souls are brought to Jesus's Feet
In owning his Commands.
Those Ordinances Men oppose,
And count as carnal things;
We have clos'd with, and tell to those,
From them great comfort springs.
Thee, holy Lord, we must obey,
Though Men reproach us still;
Yet let us do what thou dost say,
And yield unto thy Will;
And still alone on thee rely,
And not on what we do;
In point of trust we fly to thee,
And let our own works go;
And though in minding thy sweet truth,
Men do us vilifie,
Yet we resolve, Lord, in thy strength,
To own them till we die.

The Second Part.

O Lord, let us not turn our back
On thee whom we do love;
For we do know we shall not lack
Thy presence from above;


For thou hast promis'd to the end
To us that will be near,
And be to us a faithful Friend,
Which makes us not to fear
Whatever Men or Devils do
In secret place design;
For soon canst thou them overthrow,
And help all Souls of thine.
The Resurrection of the Dead
We constantly maintain,
When all those who lye buried
Shall rise to life again;
And that the Judgment-day will come,
When Christ upon the Throne
Shall pass a black eternal doom
Upon each wicked one:
But all his Saints then joyfully
With bowels he'll embrace,
And Crowns to all eternity
Upon their Heads he'll place;
And in the Kingdom shall they reign
Prepared long before,
And also shall with Christ remain
In bliss for evermore.