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Poems on Several Occasions

With Anne Boleyn to King Henry VIII. An Epistle. By Mrs. Elizabeth Tollet. The Second Edition

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HYMN, Taken from Psalm VIII.

O Lord, Thou Sov'reign Lord of all,
How glorious is thy Name:
How glorious o'er this earthly Ball,
And yon celestial Frame!
By Infants who begin to try
Their yet unpractis'd Tongue,
To silence bold Impiety,
Thy Praises shall be sung,
Nor to the starry Skies alone
Thy Presence is confin'd:
But thou on Earth hast made it known
In Bounty to Mankind.
The lab'ring Steer and bleating Sheep
And Fowl his Rule obey;
And all that in the spacious Deep
Pursue their watry Way.



O Lord, thou sov'reign Lord of all,
How glorious is thy Name;
How glorious o'er this earthly Ball,
And yon celestial Frame.
Wrote June 14th, 1752.