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The works, in verse and prose, of William Shenstone, Esq

In two volumes. With Decorations. The fourth edition

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On the discovery of an echo at Edgbaston. By ---/---

Ha! what art thou, whose voice unknown
Pours on these plains it's tender moan?
Art thou the nymph in Shenstone's dale,
Who dost with plaintive note bewail
That he forsakes th'Aonian maids,
To court inconstant rills and shades?
Mourn not, sweet nymphs—alas, in vain
Do they invite, and thou complain—
Yet while he woo'd the gentle throng,
With liquid lay and melting song,
The listening herd around him stray'd,
In wanton frisk the lambkins play'd,
And every Naïad ceas'd to lave
Her azure limbs amid the wave.
The Graces danc'd; the rosy band
Of Smiles and Loves went hand in hand;
And purple Pleasures strew'd the way
With sweetest flowers: and every ray
Of each fond Muse, with rapture fir'd,
To glowing thought his breast inspir'd.
The hills rejoic'd, the valleys rung,
All nature smil'd, while Shenstone sung.


So charm'd his lay; but now no more—
Ah! why dost thou repeat—“no more?”
Ev'n now he hies to deck the grove,
To deck the scene the muses love;
And soon again will own their sway,
And thou resound the peerless lay,
And with immortal numbers fill
Each rocky cave and vocal hill.