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A Poetical Translation of the works of Horace

With the Original Text, and Critical Notes collected from his best Latin and French Commentators. By the Revd Mr. Philip Francis...The third edition

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Epode XV. To Neæra.

Clear was the Night, the Face of Heaven serene,
Bright shone the Moon amidst her starry Train,
When round my Neck as curls the Tendril-Vine—
(Loose are its Curlings, if compar'd to thine)
'Twas then, insulting every heavenly Power,
That, as I dictated, You boldly swore;
While the gaunt Wolf pursues the trembling Sheep;
While fierce Orion harrows up the Deep;
While Phœbus' Locks float wanton in the Wind,
Thus shall Neæra prove, thus ever kind.
But, if with aught of Man was Horace born,
Severely shalt Thou feel his honest Scorn,
Nor shall He tamely bear the bold Delight,
With which his Rival riots out the Night,
But in his Anger seek some kinder Dame,
Warm with the Raptures of a mutual Flame,
Nor shall thy Rage, thy Grief, or angry Charms
Recall the Lover to thy faithless Arms.
And Thou, who-e'er Thou art, who joy to shine,
Proud as Thou art, in Spoils, which once were mine,
Though wide thy Land extends, and large thy Fold,
Though Rivers roll for Thee their purest Gold,


Though Nature's Wisdom in her Works were thine,
And Beauties of the human Face divine,
Yet soon thy Pride her wandering Love shall mourn,
While I shall laugh, exulting in my Turn.