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Small poems of Divers sorts

Written by Sir Aston Cokain

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51. Francis Lenton Poet. Anagram. Fil-pot Rosen Canne.

Filpot! What Pot? A Rosen Canne:
Who shall? Frank Lenton shall, that man.


But must he then turn Tapster? No,
But fill for him he drinks unto.
He (like a small Wit) scorns to put
My Friends health in a little Cup,
But (like a Generous valiant man)
His smal'st health drinks in a whole Can:
But Poets Drink is surely Wine;
No Ale-house trash makes men Divine.
Why then Filpot, and Rosen Can,
Except he be a Malt-drink-man?
He's nothing less; Glasses being small,
In Cans he doth drink Sack to all.
His Anagram is true, and so
His sack doth him true Poet show:
He therefore is a Gallant man,
And owneth Filpot Rosen Can.