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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Of quadragesme now speke we,
that clene lentoun callet ys,
and diuerse causes ȝe schun se
whi we worschipen hit i-wis.
Quadragesme, as knouen ȝe,
begynnes that Sonday, not amys,
that at masse Inuocauit me
Ys sungun welle for the office,


and taken hit his ful skilfully,
as I thenke now for to saye,
for by hit semes that mercy
grauntet is fully in fay.
For holy chirche at begynnyng
opon the furst Sonnenday
Circumdederunt conen syng
In tribulacioun and afraye,
The secounde Sonneday vppe rising
Exurge ful welle songen thai,
the thridde whit ful hope prayng
Esto michi to Goddes paye.
now holy chirche showes expresse
graciousely that herd is he
and broght of wo and grete tr[is]t[e]sse
be this song, Inuocauit me.
Now wol I that ȝe knowen this,
that in lentoun sicurly
two and fourty dayes ther is
whit the Sonnedayes, as say I,
Of whiche novmber to take away
Sixe Sonnodayes hit enduring,
sixe and thritte dayes in fay
Leuen that tyme of fasting,
the whiche sexe and thritte dayes
arn teythe dayes of all the ȝer,
good accompt who-seuer arayes
schal finde hit so wit-outen wer.
For thre hundret dayes i-wis
and therto fiue and sixtye
in a ȝere fulle ther is,
and teythe of tho, sixe and therty.


But bycause that God al-might
fast fourte dayes fullilye,
therfore four be-iiij oright
we fasten to make ful fourty,
That is on Askewednesdaye
and the thre dayes aftur hit,
to folowe Cristes fasting aye
in novmbur of dayes thurgh our witte.