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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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VVith that the little angry god did bend
His steelen Bow, and in deaths name did send
His winged messenger, whose faithfull hast
Dispatch'd his irefull errand and stuck fast
Within his pierced liuer, and did hide
His singing feathers, in his wounded side.
Morpheus fell downe as dead; and on the ground
Lay for a little season in a sound,
Gasping for breath; And Louers dreames they say,
Haue euermore beene wanton since that day.
Venus was pleas'd; The Goddesse of the night
Grew angry; she would needs resigne her right
Of gouernment; and in a spleene threw downe
Her Hemispheare, her Scepter, and her Crowne;
And with a duskie fogge, she did besmeare


The face of Venus; soyld her golden haire,
VVith her blacke shades; and, with foule tearmes reuil'd
Both her, her cuckold mate, and bastard childe;
VVhereat the God of Warre, being much offended,
Forsooke both seat and patience, and descended;
And, to the world, he proffer'd to make good
Faire Venus honour, with his dearest blood.
To whom poore Vulcan (puffing in a rage,
To heare his well knowne fortune on the stage)
Scrap'd many a thanke; and, with his crouching knee
Profest true loue, to such true friends, as hee.
And euer since, experience lets vs know,
Cuckolds are kind, to such as makes them so.