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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[Alas! dere herte, what happe had I]

Alas! dere herte, what happe had I,
Yf that I myght youre grace attayne!
And sens I loue you faythfully,
Why should ye not loue me agayne?
Me thynkes of right ye should me loue,
For well ye know I doo not fayne,
Nor neuer shall ye other proue;
Therfore, swete hart, loue me agayne.
I dare well say, yf that ye knew
How long that I haue suffered payne,
Ye wold not chaunge me for no new,
But euyn of ryght loue me agayne.
For as youre owne, ye may be sure,
Ye haue my hart styll to remayne;
Hyt lyeth in you me to recure:
Therefore, swet hart, loue me agayne.
In hopp I lyve, and haue doone long,
Trustyng yet styll for to optayne;
And sure, me thynkes, I haue great wrong,
Yf that I be not loved agayne.