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Mon.—Wed.—Fri.  Tues.—Thurs.—Sat. 
9-10  B. A. Latin.
B. A. History.
M. A. French.
M. A. Geology.
21st Dec. A. M.
16th Mar. P. M.
2d June. 
A. Mathematics.
B. A. French.
B. A. Geology.
M. A. Latin.
21st Dec. P. M.
16th Mar. A. M.
31st May. 
10-11  B. A. German.
B. A. Botany.
M. A. Physics.
[3] Analytical Chemistry.
22d Dec. A. M.
17th Mar. P. M.
5th June. 
B. A. Economics.
M. A. Greek.
M. A. German.
[3]Analytical Chemistry.
22d Dec. P. M.
17th Mar. A. M.
29th May. 
11-12:30  [4] General Chemistry.
B. A. Mathematics (Sect. 1).
M. A. History.
M. A. Mathematics.
18th Dec. A. M.
12th Mar. P. M.
30th May. 
B. A. Greek.
B. A. Physics.
B. A. Mathematics (Sect. 2).
M. A. Literature.
M. A. Mechanics.
18th Dec. P. M.
12th Mar. A. M.
1st June. 
12:30-1:30  A. Latin.
B. A. Mechanics.
B. A. English.
[4]B. A. Comp. Anatomy.
B. A. Astronomy.
19th Dec. A. M.
13th Mar. P. M.
6th June. 
[3]A. Greek.
B. A. Literature.
B. A. Botany.
M. A. Astronomy.
M. A. English.
19th Dec. P. M.
13th Mar. A. M.
28th May. 
1:30-2:30  DINNER. 
2:30-3:30  B. A. Italian.
[3]Scientific German.
M. A. Spanish.
20th Dec. A. M.
14th Mar. P. M.
9th June. 
B. A. Spanish.
[3]M. A. Biology.
M. A. Italian.
20th Dec. P. M.
14th Mar. A. M.
7th June. 
3:30-5:00  [4]Logic and Psychology.
[4]Industrial Chemistry.
M. A. Latin [Monday only].
20th Dec. A. M.
15th Mar. P. M.
4th June. 
[4]Ethics and Philosophy.
20th Dec. P. M.
15th Mar. A. M.
6th June. 

Classes marked with an asterisk are subject to change of hour if desirable.
Such change involves in every instance the corresponding change in the dates of


It has been found desirable to hold the intermediate examinations in these subjects
at dates other than those fixed in the Schedule; the times of examination
will be announced to the classes.