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A Court held for Virginia the 23D: May 1621: at Mr Ferrars house:

A Court held for Virginia the 23D: May 1621:
at Mr Ferrars house


Sr Edwyn Sandys.  mr Gibbs.  mr Geo: Smith. 
Sr Iohn Dãuers.  mr Iohn Smith.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Deputy.  Captain Tucker.  mr Cuffe. 
mr Wrote.  mr Ayres.  mr Combe wth
divers others. 

Mr Deputy signified that mr Iohn Berkly and Mawrice his sonne being
formerly treated wth the 5th of this present Moneth by a Comittee and
afterward at the next Court held the 12th of the same, they havinge
declared them selves willing to goe vpon the same Condic̃ons that mr
Blewett formerly had donn (except in some fewe p̱ticulars) and vnder-
tooke to p̳cure 20: p̱sons well experienced in making Iron to be
imployed in the Comps: service in Virginia for seaven yeares togeather
wth themsellves: In considerac̃on hereof the said Court was pleased
to give him 30li towardℯ the Charge of furnishing himsellf and his
said sonne wth apparell and other necessaries wth free transporte of 3.
of his owne servantℯ. And 20li: more to defray the Charge of Con-
ducting the said 20: persons to the [226] Ile of Wight by the first of
Iuly next, wch said 20: p̱sons and his said 3 servantℯ are likewise to be
transported furnished and victualled as other Tenantℯ for one whole
yeare at the Companies charge wch allowances this Court thought very
reasonable, and being nowe put to the question did ratifye and con-
firme the same. And further gave Order to mr Deputy for the more
speedy dispatch of the said mr Berkly and that he might haue a suf-


ficient time to gather his people togeather to be ready at the day pre-
fixed, to drawe ye Articles of agreement according herevnto wth such necessary addic̃ons as he should thinke fitt and after to applie the
Companies Seale vnto the same.
Allowance to mr
Iohn Berkly.
Articles of Agree-
ment to be drawne.

Mr Iohn Smith acquainted the Company that there was a Gentlem̃n
of good Account and sufficiency whome he could name who would
vndertake to p̳cure and transport to Virginia at an easie rate (if so the
Company please) a good number of young men and maydℯ able to do
them good service there to plant and to be imployed to ye Companies
behoofe wch offer the Court did very well approve of as deserving
thankℯ but findinge themsellves vnhable in Cash to goe through with
so great a charge, thought fitt to respite the same till they might have
better meanes to performe it. [227]

mr Smiths moc̃on.