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Hymn 16.

[Call aloud on Jesu's name]

Call aloud on Jesu's name,
Watchmen of Jerusalem,
Ye, that by our Lord's command
On her ruin'd rampart stand;
Day and night your care express,
Never, never hold your peace,
For a gracious answer cry,
Urge, and force Him to reply.
Well maintain the post assign'd,
Put your faithful God in mind,
Instantly the promise plead,
Till the word of grace proceed,
Never suffer Him to rest,
Till He answer your request,
Till our Sion He repair,
Fix His constant presence there.
Set for this if, Lord, I am,
Let me now the promise claim,
Let my faithful brethren join,
All remembrancers Divine;


All who Sion's burden bear,
Join ye in the fervent prayer,
Till His utmost truth we prove,
Edified in perfect love.
Jesus, Head, and Lord of all,
Answer to our midnight call,
Our Jerusalem repair,
Build again Thy house of prayer,
Now Thy ancient wonders show,
Raise a glorious church below,
Sion from her ruins raise,
Spread throughout the earth her praise.
Spread throughout the earth Thine own,
Fully by Thy people known;
Let us with Thy lustre shine,
Pillars in the dome Divine,
Master of the building art,
'Stablish every faithful heart,
Finish Thy great work of grace,
Perfect us in holiness.