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The fruit forbidden

Material sense never helps mortals to understand Spirit, God. Through spiritual sense only, man com- prehends and loves Deity. The various con- tradictions of the Science of Mind by the ma- terial senses do not change the unseen Truth, which re- mains forever intact. The forbidden fruit of knowledge, against which wisdom warns man, is the testimony of error, declaring existence to be at the mercy of death, and good and evil to be capable of commingling. This is the significance of the Scripture concerning this "tree of the knowledge of good and evil," - this growth of material belief, of which it is said: "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Human hypotheses first assume the reality of sickness, sin, and death, and then assume the necessity of these evils because of their admitted actuality. These human verdicts are the pro- curers of all discord.