University of Virginia Library



The centuries pass away. In each age woman gaineth
A portion of her strength,—but ah, how much remaineth!
How much is yet to win!
When woman is herself, a free pure soul aspirant,
No longer half a slave, and half a sweet-lipped tyrant,
Man's freedom will begin.
Man is himself a slave, while woman he enslaveth.
The roadway straight to hell for his own soul he paveth
Who hellward paves her way.
Who poisons woman's soul pours poisonous juice abundant
Through his own veins, wherethrough the foul stream runs redundant:
He toils, and wins his pay.


Woman is dwarfed as yet; she cannot win her glory.
She cannot shape her fate, nor yet complete her story,
And man is dwarfed as well.
The final fate of each upon the other's hinges:
Her life on man's abuts, and presses and impinges,—
And half her life is hell.
Weary she is of love that in the same old fashion
Sings of her lips and hair, with musical soft passion
And words that thrill her heart.
Weary she is of this, for all the tender thrilling;
And, while her eyes with tears at the sweet song are filling,
Higher things she asks of Art.
She asks that Art will aid her soul to grow diviner;
That love shall lift to God,—apportion and assign her
Her place beside her lord.
She asks that she shall take her share in strife and labour,
She wielding sometimes too her golden-tasselled sabre
While man's hand wields his sword.


She asks no more the praise of lips and eyes and tresses:
Though all her pure soul longs for love's divine caresses
She longs yet more for this,
For constancy and calm,—and that within the holy
Rapture of love the light of heaven may glitter, slowly
Heightening from kiss to kiss.
She freely gives her lips, she freely gives her beauty;
But asks that love may seek the table-land of duty
And not the valleys dim.
Man she will follow fast, and follow to his gaining,
If only after God she knows his soul is straining:
Then, she will worship him.
Her whole heart yearns to love, and yearns to worship truly.
When man be worthy of her, she'll give herself quite newly.
Man brings the love of change:
But woman shapes the home, and pours from fairy chalice
Gifts that can make the home a never-ending palace
Of endless scope and range.


Weakness still seeketh change. The strong heart holds its station.
The purest is the strong most manly conquering nation.
By faithfulness supreme
To love in all its depth Rome reached her queenly power.
When purity was lost, she faded like a flower
And ended like a dream.