University of Virginia Library

Sec. 19-47.1. Loitering in, obstructing, etc., streets, public
places, etc.

(a) No person shall loiter, lounge or sleep in or upon any
street, park or public place or in any public building, or obstruct


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the access to any public building or any part thereof,
or obstruct passage through or upon any public street, park
or public place.

(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "loiter" shall
encompass, but shall not necessarily be limited to, one or more
of the following acts:

(1) Obstruction of the free, unhampered passage of pedestrians
or vehicles.

(2) Obstructing, molesting or interfering with any person
lawfully upon any street, park or other public place.

(3) Remaining idle in essentially one location without
being able to establish having a legitimate business or purpose
in so remaining idle, or, by general conduct, exhibiting
the absence of a lawful purpose in so remaining idle.

(4) Conduct involving the concept of standing idly by,
loafing, walking about aimlessly without purpose and including
the colloquial expression of "hanging around".

(5) Refusing to move on when so requested by a peace
officer, provided the peace officer has exercised his discretion
reasonably under the circumstances in order to preserve or
promote public peace and order.

(c) For the purpose of this section, the term "other public
place" shall be deemed to include the quasi-public area in
front of or adjacent to any store, shop, restaurant, luncheonette
or other place of business and shall include also any
parking lots or other vacant private property not owned or
under the dominion of the person charged with a violation of
this section.