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April 5-11
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April 5-11

Dr. Sparrow preaches for us on the liturgy ....Think such sermons are very edifying occasionally. Sue and I pay the party call at Mr. Early's, find the ladies very chatty. The rich Miss Fanny Michie was present. Find on our return we had missed a visit from two beaux, Messrs Adams and Coleman ....The fruit is certainly all killed but berries, perhaps. Mary Lewis gets home Thursday bringing Lizzie Wood and Sue Taylor with her. Sue T. is a real beauty. [On] Good Friday it rained hard all the morning so we could not get to church. In the evening Miss McPherson, Jane Taylor and the two Miss Moore's call. Miss Cora Moore remains until Saturday evening when the company all leave. Saturday Lizzie Wood, Sue and I go over to call on "Mrs. Bridal Michie." She has plenty to say. Expressed a great desire to be good neighbors with us ....Judging from her conversation I should suppose she intended introducing a number of reforms in the neighborhood-proposed a novel plan for keeping chickens from scratching the garden--vis chaining them to the trees in the woods.