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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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467. Fifth Commandment. “Honour thy Father and thy Mother,” &c.


If gratitude, the debt of justice,
Be due to those who favours show;
What shall we render to our parents,
To whom ten thousand gifts we owe!
Children themselves,
The full amount can never know.


Do we desire to please our Maker,
And hope on earth to sojourn long?
God hath commanded us to honour
Our parents, with affection strong,
Next after God,
To whom our highest thanks belong.


If children dread self-accusation,
When, 'neath the turf, their parents lie;
Let them, while yet they may, unceasing,
In duty and affection vie!
Or death may soon
Provision for remorse supply!



And, Oh! let parents love their children,
Their body much, but more their soul;
Let them, as well becomes immortals,
Foster the good, the bad control,
And, names so dear,
Strive in heaven's record to enrol!


Let them a deeper feeling cherish
To fit them for an endless state,
Than to exalt, with anxious purpose,
Their rank amid the rich and great!
Oft, slippery paths,
Seen, in true colours, when too late!


Then, when this shadowy world is over,
They all shall meet to part no more,
Safe in those realms, where weary pilgrims,
(Those passing now, or gone before,)
Shall, victory! shout,
And, with the ransom'd, God adore.