University of Virginia Library


As day by day
We hold our way
Thro' this wide world below, boys,
With roads so cross,
We're at a loss
To know which way to go, boys:
With choice so vex'd
When man's perplex'd,
And many a doubt has tried him,
It is not long
He'll wander wrong,
With an honest heart to guide him.
When rough the way,
And dark the day,
More steadfastly we tread, boys,
Than when by flow'rs
In wayside bow'rs
We from the path are led, boys:


Oh! then beware—
The serpent there
Is gliding close beside us;
'Twere death to stay—
So speed the way,
With an honest heart to guide us.
If fortune's gale
Should fill our sail,
While others lose the wind, boys,
Look kindly back
Upon the track
Of luckless mates behind, boys:
If we won't heed
A friend in need,
May rocks ahead abide us!
Let's rather brave
Both wind and wave,
With an honest heart to guide us!