University of Virginia Library


Now, whilst the Heav'ns in Clouds are hid,
And fleecy Snows infest the Ground;
Whilst Storms grow loud on every Side,
And Billows roar and Woods resound;
Let us improve the gloomy Hour,
Now, whilst our Cheeks are green and gay;
Whilst Youth preserves its blooming Flow'r,
Let us with Wine drive Care away.
Bring forth the Cask, that bears a Date
With great Torquatus Years and mine:
For better Times and Stars we wait.
Why should we fear, or why repine?
With rich Perfumes our Temples crown,
And let the amorous Lyre be strung:
For thus to Thetis' warlike Son
Chiron, his jovial Tutor, sung:


Consider, my victorious Boy!
Though of a Goddess you were born,
You're destin'd to be slain near Troy,
And never shall to Greece return.
When on Scamander's Banks you lie,
Drink and be merry, sport and play;
Live like a Man who soon must die,
And cast intruding Care away.