University of Virginia Library

De sancta Cristina

Seinte Cristine þe holy þing as ich ȝou telle can
Holy lif ladde and clene and wel ȝong bigan
An hei Iustise hure fader was is name was Vrban
Vnder þe luþer emperor Dioclisian
Þe Iustise let asle monie a Cristeneman
And made er wiþ strong [turmentes] hore bodi red & wan
Seinte Crist[i]ne þis child was þe uairoste creature
Þat me miȝte in eni lond iseo oþer of ihure
Þere fore Vrban hure luþer uader oþer solas nadde none
Ne couþe non oþer wit ne lif bote al on hure one
Him þoȝte ech hous to lite worþ boþe halle & bour
To don in þis faire þing þat of oþer maidens was flour
To wonie inne þis ȝonge þing as felle to hure onour


Þeruore of lim & of ston he rerde a noble tour
Þer inne he let þis maide do in þis tour wel heie
So gelous he was of hure fairhede þat noman hure ne seie
Ne uor he[o] was so queinte and fair þat noman necom hure to
Vnne[þe] he[o] was twelf ȝer old þo he[o] was þer inne ido
Þe uairoste maidens þat he miȝte in eni lond out trie
Twelue he let mid hure do to bere hure companie
For he[o] nessolde none men ise[o] in þis tour he hure broȝte
Ne þat noþing bote hore false godes ne come in hure þoȝte
Maumes of riche golde inou and of preciouse stone
He tok hure þat he[o] neþoȝte noȝt on noþing bote hom one
Riche offringe he tok hure ek þat he[o] hom ofte bere
And offrede to þis false godes wanne hure wille were
Bote in eche manere as muche honur as he miȝte ofþenche
And as muche prute & nobleie he dude þis seli wenche
Heie men of þe lond inowe wilnede hure to wiue
Nai certes quaþ hure uader he[o] nel noȝt of suche liue
Heo nel noȝt bote holy lif and hure god serui one
Heo nel þenche on non oþer þing ne of no mannes mone
Þis maide lokede aday wel ofte aboute in þe londe
At a fenestre toward þane est oftost he[o] wolde stonde
And biholde þe firmament and þe sonne þat was so briȝt
And þe mone hou he wende aboute & þe sterren day & niȝt
He[o] sede and spak as to hure sulue we beoþ in luþer þoȝt
He is God of alle god þat al þis made of noȝt
And alle þis false godes deuelen beoþ iwis
And wo so eni oþer seiþ he biluueþ amis
To wat ende so ich come to him one ichelle take


Þei ich be[o] for him to deþe ibroȝt þeos deuelen forsake
Seue dawes þis maide was in holy þoȝte so
He[o] nolde to þis falce godes non offringe do
Þis maidens þat were mid hure to bere hure companie
To hure uet hi folle a day and gonne hure merci crie
Leuedi hi sede noble & hende þou ssoldest þe vnderstonde
Þou ert worþe & noble inou to be[o] quene of a londe
Ȝif þi fader it vnderȝete þat oure alre louerd is
Þat þou forsoke is heie godes & biluuedest amis
To stronge deþe he wolde us do þer uore we biddeþ þin ore
Reu on us and on þi sulue and nemisbiluf namore
Ȝe conseilers quaþ þis maide þat luþer beoþ be[o] stille
Þis maumes nabbeþ no power to helpe us worþ a uille
As hi stode & tolde here of hure uader com in wel stille
And biheld aboute & wende finde tidinge after wille
Doȝter he sede hou geþ þis wy ne comestou ner
And honurest þis heie godes þat beoþ of such poer
Sire sede þis holy maide þi bone is al bihinde
Hy nemowe helpe me ne þe for hi beoþ deue & blinde
For i ne bidde hom noþing for ic ham al forsake
And to Iesu Godes sone min heorte al ich take
Hure uader was so sore anuyd þo he weste þan ende
Ac he spak euere faire naþeles hure heorte forto wende
Aboute þe swere he nom hure & custe hure wel faste
And þarewiþ wende hure holy þoȝt fram oure Louerd caste
Do wei do wei quaþ þis maide ne soile mi mouþ noȝt
For ichelle þer wiþ herie God þat us haþ deore aboȝt
Þe vader was þo wo inou he nuste wat do for sore
Al stille he wende out atte dore anon wiþoute more
Þis maide wende stilliche in a priue stude
And cride uaste on Iesu Crist and bad faste hure bede
An angel þer com fram heuene in oure Louerdes name


And bad hure beo stable inou to þole pine & ssame
And seide he[o] ssolde ar he[o] deide itormented be[o]
Vnder þreo Iustices stronge and ouercome alle þre[o]
He blessede þis holy maide aȝen to heuene he drou
Þo was þis maide in hure heorte glad and stable inou
Of torment þat me miȝte hure do he[o] ne ȝaf worþ a stre[o]
To þe tour heo wende aȝen so glad so heo miȝte be[o]
Þo sei he[o] a wiȝt lof stonde bi þe wou
So swete so eny hony and as wite as snou
Ihered be[o] he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat for us was ibore
For ich ne et no mannes mete twelf dawes here biuore
And nou he me haþ mete isend ichelle it gladlich auonge
Ichot þat it is wille is for ich habbe ifast so longe
Þis maide et and made hure glad & after þulke stonde
Þe fastore hure heorte was to oure Louerd ibonde
Heo ne ȝaf of no torment þat me miȝte hure do
Hure sulf bigan to worre uerst to hasti it þerto
Þe maumes he[o] nom uerst of golde þat hure godes ssolde be[o]
And todasste ech pece fram oþer & teiȝte hom a nywe gle[o]
Heo caste hom suþþe out of þe tour þat hi miȝte bet iseo
Amidde þe uenne hard inou and taȝte hom to fleo
A niȝt he[o] nom a strong corde and þere heo wende adoun
And þe peces of golde nom and bar forþ into þe toun
And for þe loue of Iesu Crist delde it pouere men
Pece after oþer heo delde so as he[o] nom is up of þe ven
At þis corde he[o] wende aȝen þo he[o] hadde al ido
Ware ssolde hi finde hore godes þo þat aloute hom wolde two
Hure uader com amorwe anon Vrban by name
He bihuld & miste is false god him ne likede no game


Þis maidens he clupede anon þat mid is doȝter were ido
And esste were þe godes were þat hi ssolde aloute hom two
Þis maidens to is fet anon folle adoun akne[o]
Louerd hi sede þou miȝt us do wat þi wille be[o]
Ac þi doȝter hom nom toniȝt and todasste hom echon
And caste hom out of þe tour we nute ware is noȝt on
To is doȝter he starte anon and smot hure vnder þe ere
And esste hure wel steorneliche were þe godes were
Sire he[o] sede þou axest me a demande wiþ vnriȝte
Esstou ware þi godes beoþ þat beoþ of so gret miȝte
Ȝif hi beoþ suche as þou seist let hom sulue speke
And ȝif ich hom misdude oȝt let hom sulue awreke
Þe Iustice nom in grete wraþþe þe twelf maidens anon
And let biuore is doȝter uet smite of hore heued echon
Þou luþer hound quaþ þis maide wat habbeþ hi misdo
Þou slecst hom wiþoute gult and þat þe wole come to
For it worþ þi nowe iugement a Domesdai ich drede
Wy nostoȝ habbe islawe me for it was my dede
Þou ne sselt noȝt so liȝtliche ofscape hure fader sede
Þou sselt sone and bitime [a] sorufol lif lede
He let hure naked strupe anon & tormentors inowe
Wiþ harde scorgen legge hure on and al hure bodi todrowe
Þe more hi leide hure on þe gladdore þe maide was
So longe þer nas non of hom þat swuþe weri nas
And fol adoun for werinesse and gronede wel sore
Þo esste þe maide of hure uader were he couþe þenche amore
Loke he[o] sede þou foule hond þi miȝte þe is binome
Ne sucstou þat þine men beoþ and þine deuelen ouercome
A strong coler he dude of ire aboute hure necke þo


And broȝte hure in prison strong to biþenche hure more wo
Þe moder for hure doȝter loue made deol inou
He[o] porueide hure time wel & to þe prison drou
Doȝter he[o] sede swete herte wepinge wel sore
For þe loue þat þou louest me bilef þi false lore
For euerich strok þat me ȝifþ þoru myn herte geþ
Certes bote þou þe wiþdrawe ichot it worþ my deþ
Dame quaþ þis holy maide þi doȝter nam ich noȝt
For ich bere my fader name þat deore me haþ iboȝt
After Crist þat is my fader Cristine is my name
Ich forsake þe to moder vare wel leoue dame
Þis wif wende & tolde hure louerd uore hou he[o] hadde on itake
And þat he[o] nolde for noþing hure god forsake
Þe fader anon amorwe in chaere him let sette
Þis holy maide of prison biuore him me vette
Cristine he sede turn þi þoȝt & oure godes honure
Oþer bi þe [f]ei ich owe Mahon þe ssel be[o] wel soure
Þou luþer hound quaþ þis maide gret honur þou dest me
Þat þou ne clupest me noȝt þi doȝter Crist it ssulde þe
Þench nou in þi luþer herte hou þou miȝt me mest wo do
Ne spare þou noȝt þi luþer þoȝt for prest ich am þerto
He let þis maide honge up mid ropes fram þe gronde
And tormentors stode inowe & made hure many a wonde
Wiþ oules hi todrowe hure fleiss as it were deuelen of helle
Þat þe peces honge adoun þat reuþe it is to telle
Þis maide gripte pece and oþer & fram hure body rende
And caste hure uader aȝen þe teþ & almest him ablende
Nim þere he sede þ[ou] luþer best þou vnwreste uode
And fret al rau þi nowe fleiss and þin owe blode


For þou nere neuere uol monnes fleiss to drawe
Þer þou miȝt of þin owene inou bo[þ]e frete & gnawe
Þe fader þo he þis isei he nuste hou on take
Þis maide he let nyme adoun & a gret fur make
He let hure caste al amidde & let blowe faste
Pich and eoly suþþe iweld uppon hure heued me caste
Hit greuede þis maide swuþe sore he[o] dradde forto deiȝe
He gan to crie on Iesu Crist and upward caste hure eiȝe
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist ȝif it is þi wille
Ar ich more habbe iserued nelet me noȝt aspille
Ac among al þis luþer folk ssewe us here þi grace
Þat hi mowe knowe þe and doute in þe place
As þis maide þus bad to Iesus hure preere
Þis fur bigan to sprede abrod in a wonder manere
And mo þan a þousond men and fif hondred þere
Hit forbarnd al to noȝt þat misbiluued were
Hit soȝte out abrod eiþer side al sauf þat maide was
Þo þe Iustice þis isei him nelikede noȝt þat cas
He let nyme eft þis holy maide & to prison drawe
Forte he hadde bet biseie to bringe hure of lif dawe
In prison as he[o] was a niȝt anglis þere come þre[o]
And made ech wonde of hure body hol so hi miȝte be[o]
Fram heuene hi broȝte hure mete inou & broȝte hure out of wo
Þis maide nas in betere point nere þanne he[o] was þo
Hure luþer uader amorwe het is men anon
Nime and aboute hure swere binde a gret ston
And caste hure amidde þe se & bringe hure of lif dawe
Þis dede was sone ido þuder he[o] was idrawe
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat isaued me hast so longe
Let me in þis water þin holy grace auonge
Þat ich mot in þis water ibap[t]ised be[o] ene
Þat þer ne be[o] no defaute þat i ne be[o] þin al clene
Þo sei he[o] fram heuene angles monyon


Wiþ encens & murie song & oure Louerd amidde echon
Þo was he[o] glad & eke adrad as he[o] miȝte wel beo
He[o] huld up hure honden & sat adoun uppon þis water akneo
Oure Louerd hure nom bi þe hond & haf hure al aboue
Cristine he sede muche þou hast iþoled for my loue
Beo stable and hard for þi sege in heuene is ido
& ichelle ar ich fram þe wende marki þe þerto
He baptized wiþ is owe honde þis maide in þe se
And softe wiþ is angles suþþe to heuene wende aȝe
Cristene he[o] miȝte hote wel so ich vnderstonde
Wanne Criste hure baptizede þere [wiþ] is owene honde
Cristene he[o] was þo ariȝt & Cristes owe spouse
Al softe he[o] wende þulke niȝt to hure fader house
Amorwe þo it was day and hure fader aros
He fond hire sitte in hure beden sore is herte agros
He let hure bringe in strong prison & þoȝte anon amorwe
Let smite of hure heued to bringe him out of sorwe
Ac þulke niȝt as God it wolde he broȝte is lif to ende
And deide him sulf in alle sorwe & alle deolwei gan wende
Seinte Cristene amorwe þo þis dede was ido
Þonkede swuþe Iesu Crist þat hure sauede so
Þo was þare sone afterward anoþer Iustice ichose
Zion was is luþer name ssame habbe is nose
He let nyme Cristene men and defouly manyon
So þat þis maide was inome & biuore him ibroȝt anon
He bihet þis maide swuþe uaire ȝif he[o] turnede hure þoȝt
Þat maide him sede at one worde it was al for noȝt
Þe Iustice was þo wroþ inou he het hure binde faste
And wiþ harde scorgen legge hure on þe wile hi wolde ilaste
Wrecche quaþ þis holy maide ssamie þe aȝte sore
To beode me so lite pine ne canstou þenche namore
Somdel hardore he ȝeode on þi broþer biuore þe


And wel lite ȝe ssoldeþ boþe do bote þou do more þanne he
Þe Iustice was þo wroþ inou a caudron tormentors fette
And of pich and eoly veolde it fol & ouer þe fur it sette
Þo it was hot inou and þat pich boillede vaste
He let nyme þis holy maide & amidde þe caudron caste
Þe maide þo he[o] þis isey to heuene he[o] caste hure eiȝe
Louerd he[o] sede ȝif it is þi wille ne let me noȝt ȝute deie
Ac ssewe on me here þi miȝte þat þis folk mowe ise[o]
Þat þou ert alone Louerd and non oþer ne may be[o]
Op he[o] sterte baldeliche þo hure orison was ido
And hupte hure in þis caudroun þat boillede so
Þo þe Iustice ysey þulke pine to liȝt
He let hure nyme up and al naked stonde upriȝt
He let ssere of clene al hure her & fur gleden attelaste
He let panne uol and oþer uppon hure heued caste
Wymmen þat þere stode aboute & yseie hure defouled more
And euere naked so uilliche hom ofssamede sore
Iustice hi seide þou art an vnwreste man
Þat þou so ssenfolliche defoulest a womman
In ssennesse of alle oþere boþe nou and er
Alas þat eny womman so luþer mon ber
Þo þe Iustice hurde þis he gan somdel wiþdrawe
Cristene he sede ich rede ȝut turn to oure lawe
And to þe temple go wiþ us þe heie godes to se[o]
And do to hom sacrefise and murie þe ssel be[o]
Þis maide wende forþ wiþ hom he[o] ne sede noȝt al hure þoȝt
He[o] stod & biheld þis false godes it nelikede hure riȝt noȝt
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat deidest on þe rode
Scheu þi milce here to day among þis luþer uode


And ouercome þis luþer forme & debruse hom to noȝte
Þat þis foles ofte and moni o day in misbileue broȝte
Þo hure preere was ido þis luþer maumet
Adoun to gronde dasste adoun for he was er misset
Lo seide þis holy maide here ȝe moweþ ise[o]
Þat ȝoure god on wan ȝe biluueþ nis noȝt worþ a stre[o]
Þat folk biluuede þo on God þat þis cas ysey
And turnde to Iesu Crist aboute þreo hondred ney
Þe Iustice isei þat þis folk toward þis maide drou
For wraþþe he uel upriȝt ded and deide in sorwe inou
A baillif nom þis maide uaste & to prison hure let lede
Forte þer com a niwe Iustice to folfulle þis dede
Þo hadde þe maide as þe angel sede þis bataille wel ido
Þe þridde was to come ȝute ouercome were þe to
Þe þridde Iustice was suþþe ihote Iulian
Luþer ssrewe he was inou vp eche Cristene man
Seinte Cristine þis holy maide biuore him he let lede
Þou wicche he sede þou luþer best turn þi þoȝt ich rede
Oþer ichelle þe such pine do for þi luþer dede
And þi luþer God and alle his of þi torment solleþ drede
Þ[at] of Iosep was biȝute and of Marie ibore
Þat þou him halst Godes sone þou sselt abugge þer uore
Beo stille quaþ þis holy maide berkinge hound beo stille
Go li and ne berk namore so muche aȝen my wille
To berke þoru þin hondes mouþ mi swete Louerdes name
Þer of my mouþ isoilled is go li God ȝeue þe ssame
Þis Iustice was þo wroþ inou him þoȝte he was missed
He let hete an ouene hot þat he was al fur red
Þere inne he let þis maide do and het is men echon
Þat he were þer inne dawes þreo to berne fleiss & bon
Þis maide blessede hure wel uaire þo heo ssolde in gon
And made þe signe of þe crois and glad ȝeode in anon


Þer inne he[o] sat & murie song þat ioie it is to hure
And euere he[o] herede Iesu Crist þat sauede hure of þe uure
Þe kniȝtes þat hure ssolde wite stode þere biside
And hurde hure singe in þis fure hi nedorste no leng abide
Hi ȝorne & tolde þe Iustice þe cas þat was so couþ
Þe Iustice het is men anon openi þe ouenes mouþ
Þo þis ouene was vndut þis maide com out gon
He[o] ssinde as cler as þe sonne þat folk wondrede echon
Þo þe Iustice þis isei he dradde him wel sore
Wicche craft he huld it al and of luþer lore
Anne enchanteor he hadde þer þat neddren couþe bisinge
Þe Iustice him het anon þe neddren forþ bringe
And caste hom to þis holy maide þat hi ssolde hure to deþe stinge
Þis neddren were forþ ibroȝt grislokest of alle þinge
Hi crope & mad ioie inou þo hi were to hure ido
Hi biclupte hure holy limes & lickede hure wonden also
Hi pleide wiþ hure bresten boþe hure children as it were
Hi custe hure & likked ek for kunde þe[ȝ] it nere
Þis maister him gan tice on hure mid is enchanterie
As me tekþ an hond on man to cuþe is maistrie
Þis wormes turnde to him anon & caste him doun to gronde
And enuenimed him & stonge uaste þat he deide on a stonde
Þer nas noman after þulke tyme þat þis wonder isei
Þat dorste wraþþe þis holy maide ne enes come hure ney
Attelaste þis maide het þis wormes awei gon
Þat hi neuer ef[t] mon neseie hi dude hure heste anon
Þo blessede þe holy maide þe dede man þat was hure uo
And bad him a God is name aris up and go
Þe dede aros up anon þat þe wormes slowe biuore


He cride & herede þe time þat God was ibore
To þe maidens fet he uel & bad hure Cristendom
And turnde to Godes lawe and godmon bicom
Ne dorste nomon esse þo were þe Iustice were wroþ
Awreke he wolde him of þis maide he swor is more oþ
He let hure swete tendre bresten kerue of boþe to
Awei þe seli tendre limes lite hadde hi misdo
Wiȝt milk com out of þe wonden & neuere a drope blod
Ou Iesus þat þe holy maide clene was and god
Þis maide stod and bihuld wiþ wel glade mode
Þe milk stremes þat orne adoun as for defaute of blode
Louerd he[o] sede ihered þou be[o] þat ich þis time isei
For nou ichot clene ich am myn endeday is ney
Þe Iustice made him wroþ inou & mest for hure speche
He þoȝte for hure holy word do a feble wreche
He let kerue of hure tonge faste bi þe more
And ȝute spak þis holy maide noþe later þereuore
Ferst he nom hure holi tonge wiþ wel stordi mod
And þis Iustice harde þreu as heo biuore him stod
Þis tonge sprong al abrod al þis men iseie
And þis Iustice harde smot & hutte out eiþer eiȝe
Þer was riȝt wreche of God ssame habbe wo recche
Me miȝte segge wo him iseie þere sit þe blinde wrecche
Þe tweie were ouercome þe þridde was þo ney
His poer was þo lite worþ him bicom uuel anhey
Þou wrecche quaþ þis holy maide nou þou ert issend
Þou wrecche þat þou woldest me do to þi sulue is iwend
Þou wendest binime me mi speche & ert þi sulf ablend
And oure Louerd þe haþ þoru riȝt lawe þulke wrecche ysend
Ich nadde bote þis wrecche o lyme were wiþ ich miȝte
Herie oure swete Louerd and aȝen þe deuel fiȝte
And [þat] þou hast me bynome and wel þou couþest diȝte
For ȝute ich habbe mi speche god & þou hast ilore þi siȝte


Ou quaþ þis luþer man fol ich am of sore
Sleþ þe hore ȝif ȝe mowe for i ne can do namore
Þe tormentors harde inou smite hure in þe side
And wende hom forþ for fin anuy & let hure þere abide
Þis maide isei þis luþer men nolde do hure namore
Louerd he[o] sede þench on me myne limes akeþ sore
Me þingþ it is time nou þat þou sende after me
Mi bodi is weri inou mi soule wilneþ to þe
Ȝif ich am iwasse clene inou let me to þe wende
Þis maide sede hure preere and broȝte hure lif to ende
And biteiȝte hure soule Iesu Crist and deide a Godes name
To ȝer in such torment he[o] liuede and in such ssame
For þo he[o] was þerto veorst ibroȝt of twelf [ȝer] he[o] was vnneþe
And fortene ȝer old heo was ar he[o] were ibroȝt to deþe
Ne dorste noȝt þe Iustice biliȝhe his luþer dede
For as þe ssrewe sat ablend loude he gan to grede
A out out wo is me ich am wod iwis
Inot wo me deþ asle for Cristine ichot it is
He wende an alle deuelwei for elles it were wou
To þe blisse of heuene he[o] wende þat he[o] boȝte deore inou
Wiþ tormens as ȝe habbeþ ihurd wiþ wonden monion
Nou God for þe loue of hure us bringe þuder echon