University of Virginia Library

De quadragesima & eius institucione.

Of quadragesme now speke we,
that clene lentoun callet ys,
and diuerse causes ȝe schun se
whi we worschipen hit i-wis.
Quadragesme, as knouen ȝe,
begynnes that Sonday, not amys,
that at masse Inuocauit me
Ys sungun welle for the office,


and taken hit his ful skilfully,
as I thenke now for to saye,
for by hit semes that mercy
grauntet is fully in fay.
For holy chirche at begynnyng
opon the furst Sonnenday
Circumdederunt conen syng
In tribulacioun and afraye,
The secounde Sonneday vppe rising
Exurge ful welle songen thai,
the thridde whit ful hope prayng
Esto michi to Goddes paye.
now holy chirche showes expresse
graciousely that herd is he
and broght of wo and grete tr[is]t[e]sse
be this song, Inuocauit me.
Now wol I that ȝe knowen this,
that in lentoun sicurly
two and fourty dayes ther is
whit the Sonnedayes, as say I,
Of whiche novmber to take away
Sixe Sonnodayes hit enduring,
sixe and thritte dayes in fay
Leuen that tyme of fasting,
the whiche sexe and thritte dayes
arn teythe dayes of all the ȝer,
good accompt who-seuer arayes
schal finde hit so wit-outen wer.
For thre hundret dayes i-wis
and therto fiue and sixtye
in a ȝere fulle ther is,
and teythe of tho, sixe and therty.


But bycause that God al-might
fast fourte dayes fullilye,
therfore four be-iiij oright
we fasten to make ful fourty,
That is on Askewednesdaye
and the thre dayes aftur hit,
to folowe Cristes fasting aye
in novmbur of dayes thurgh our witte.

Quare in hoc numero quadragenario ieiunium obseruamus, triplex racio assignatur.

Now wol I telle wherfore and whi
fourty dayes fasten we,
th[r]e causes here apertelye
I finde be good autorite.
the furst cause says saint Austyn
whi fourte dayes fasten we
ny no mo ny ther-withynne,
But euen fourty, ȝe schun se.
Matheu in his euangely
from Abraham til Crist comen was
Generacions euen fourty
He settes, as book, mynd maas,
And fro Crist light in-to mon-kynde
in fourty generacioun
vs of bale to vnbynde
And to blis make vs boun,
Right as he that tyme doun light
vs to deliuer in-to lee
out of pyne [we] wer in pyght
Thurgh dethe opon the rode tre,


So that tyme we shul us dyght
thurght good life wit him to be,
and aȝayn oure foo to fight,
that maad us bonde that furst wer fre.

Secunda causa quare in hoc quadragenario ieiunium obseruamus.

The secounde cause is, as says he,
for in this generacioun
that fourtit is, traual most we,
Her we come to perfectioun,
and alle our lif in penaunce be
in this tyme of redempcioun,
that gos be fourte, ȝe mone se,
in whiche felle our saluacioun.
ffor al-thagh God vs so forboght
in this tyme goyng be fourty,
he wol not þat we haue for noght
that blis that he con for vs bye,
But we trauail in dede and thoght
for to serue hym princepally,
that suche wele so for vs wroght
and so ouercome oure enemy.
Also Ihesu heuen kenge
afture his resurrectioun
was fourty dayes her dwelling
er he to blisse maad hym boun,
Whiche dwellyng [b]e-liken I may
to the fourty generacion,
in whiche forboght we ben for ay
to sekernesse of saluacioun.


Terciam causam assignat magister Prepositiuus in Summa.

The thridde cause, I wol how say,
but I pray ow takes entent,
whi this tyme is in penaunce ay
fourty dayes, ȝe schun be kent.

Quatuor partes hominum.

The worlde, [ȝ]e witten, dalt hit ys
in four parties, leue ȝe me,
and a ȝer also i-wys
in four parties, ȝe moun se.
And mon of four elementȝ maad,
fuyr and aire, water and stone,
for stone of erthe bygynnyng hade,
stone and erthe I holde bothe one.
And mon also made ys oright
of four complexiones couenable,
of sanguine, colre, ys vche wight,
fflum, or elles malencoly.
The new lawe also ys sette
in four ewangilistes lore,
so bi four withouten lette
gone alle the thinges sayde bifore.
Also by ten comondementȝ
the olde lawe wel ordeynet was,
and to bothe lawes with grete offense
oft tyme we doon trespasse.
Ther-fore to bothe amende most be,
ȝif we to blisse woln be worthy,
bi ten sithe four, as ȝe schun se,
and four sithe ten, as telle wol I.


Takes hede now, I ow pray,
to vnderstond this thing oright,
by noumbre of ten, as I ȝow say,
the olde lawe to vs was dyȝt,
The newe lawe god & verray
by faur ewangelisteȝ lore,
so by faure & ten our fay
ys schewet frely vs byfore.
faur sith ten that is faurty,
& ten sith faur faurty also,
so noumbre of ten to multiplie
faur is set to, may not be fro.
And so by noumbre of ten i-wis
the olde lawe ȝiuen to vs was,
& now confermet wel hit is
By noumbre of faur in tyme of grace.
Therfore sithen that we don amys
aȝain both laweȝ to trespasse,
skilful thing is, me thinkes this,
to both amend vs in this cas,
And by noumbre of faur and ten,
syn faur syth ten makes faurty,
amend vs knelyng on our knen
faurty dayes to aske mercy.
Also, as I said byfore,
of faur elements made is mon,
wheche faure by clerkes lore
han places in him to leng opon.
For in oure eghen fuyr ther is,
in tong and eres aire wol fall,
in priue membres water i-wis,
erthe in hondes & limmes all.


In eghen therfore is bysenes,
for fuyr ther most abundaunt is;
in tong and eres wrecchednesse,
ther-as aire maisters vs amys;
In priue membres lecchery,
ther-as water has wonyng;
in hondes and alle lymmes by
crueschip of erthe comyng.
Therfore sithen we of such mater
byn mad, in which synne is regnyng,
and gon by faur, ȝe sene wel here,
me thing that hit is skilful thing
By faur sith ten we punischet be
of thing that we han don amys,
syn old lawe & newe, ȝe moun se,
by ten & faur fulfillet is.

Gregorius in omelia ponit alias tres rationes.

Sayn Gregory in his omely
schowes thes skilles that I shal say,
whi faurty daies continuely
we fasten byfore Pasche daie.
For the ten commandements
& the vertue of hom commynge
shuld be fulfillet bout offence
by newe lawe in all thing.
Faur bokes of the ewangely
confirmen all thing don bifore
in the old lawe, as say I,
that laft was vs by Moiseȝ lore.
ffor nouther lawe ne profecye
vset in the old testament
was neuer fulfillet fullily
til Crist com and hit vs kent.


Now sithen in flesche that dedely is
our soule lenges, as wetten ȝe,
the whiche fleschely body i-wys
of four elamentes made ys he,
And by that fleschely wylfulnesse
Goddes byddyng breken we,
ther-fore that flesche for to distresse
gode resoun ys, as thinkes me.
Sithen old lawe gos by ten
the new by four, as wreten ys hit,
by faur sithe ten to punische men
me think hit wel done by my wyt,
And faurty dayes for to fast,
syn four sythe ten euen fourty ys,
thus four and ten by my cast
ys sette togeder wel i-wys.
And from this day to Pasche day
six wikes ther bene & no mo,
& in the six wikes ay
euen faurty daies and two,
Of the whech take away
six Sonnendayes, at comptyng so,
in abstinence ther leues, I lay,
six & thritte daies tho.
Then contenes all the ȝere
thre hundret daies fyue & sixte,
& teithe of th[o], withouten were,
is sixt & thritte, as said I.
Thus teith we our flesche in fer
to God be dayes deuoutely,
as witnesse Goddes derlyng der,
the holi pope sain Gregori.


Quare non obseruamus ieiunium eo tempore quo Christus ieiunauit. Magister Iohannes Beleth.

Now is to knowe a nedefull thing
to which I rede ow take gode hede,
whi we hold not oure fastyng
that tyme that Crist did, as was nede.
For Crist, as I haue told by-fore,
was folowet opon the twolft daie,
when he of elde was bout more
bygynning thritte ȝer in fai,
Then his fasting began he
of faurty daies, as I fynd,
faur skilles whi so don not we
schowe I wil whil I haue mynde.

Prima causa. Magister Iohannes Beleth.

A gret clerk, that callet is
Iohn Beleth, as rede I,
thes causes schewes not amys,
is gode to haue in memorie.
‘ȝif we wilne,’ he sais, ‘to rise
with Ihesu Crist at his rising,
fonde we for to make vs hise
with holi dedes of fasting.
‘For sithen Crist suffret passioun
er he rose the thrid daie,
skil hit is & gode raisoun
we souffre so before in faye,
‘That we to rise moun be bovn
with him that tyme worthily ay,
clene bout any corrupcioun
& wemme of synne clene put away.’


Secunda causa. Item Iohannes Beleth.

The secund cause, as says he,
for Iues agayn hom broȝt were
from Egipt lond in-to Iude
this selfe tyme & all in fere
Be Moiseȝ seruand Iosue,
as in Exodi ȝe moun lere,
this ilk chapetre that wol se
that is titlet holly here.

Exodi xiiijo

Also eft when thai were tan
& in Babiloin broȝt in bond,
this tyme turnet aȝain thai han
with grete ioye to hor awne lond,
& that schewus apertely
by euidence gode and expresse,
for riȝt when thai were commen in hie,
Pasche day with hom worshipt was.
Therfore to do as dyden thai,
the clerk sais, skilful thing hit is
this tyme to fasȝt, in gode fay,
& mend that we han don amys,
That we moun opon Astur-day
from Egipt, Babiloin both i-wis,
be deliueret faire away
o bondaghe in-to mych blys,
That is to wit, from worldus woo
& the dewlus knot of synne
to that ioy that lasteȝ oo,
of heuen blys that neuer shal blyn.
Who-seuer this story all wold see
of the Iewes aȝayne-comyng
from Babiloyne to hor cuntre,
in Ester he schal fynd this thyng.


Tercia causa. Item Magister Iohannes Beleth.

‘The thrid cause,’ says Maister Iohan,
‘gos sumwat by way of kynde,
for lechery thys tyme in mon
most feruent regnys, as I fynd,
‘And mon has more temptacioun
al-way this tyme of the ȝer
thenne any other, leue ȝe moun,
groing hete ymong vs her.
‘Ther-fore that fondyng to wiht-stond,
that we han so flesche likyng,
to fast and pray we mosten fonde
this tyme to be in gode tempryng.
‘That suche fleschely temptacion
bring vs in no mor tene,
to suffer assay we this sesoun
leste synne on vs to muche be sene.’

Quarta causa, statym post ieiunium debemus corpus domini accipere.

The furthe cause, in gode fay,
opon reson foundet ys,
ffor Goddes body we schulden ay
receyue clene and not amys,
And w[ith] abstenence verray
of mete and drinke whit-out fayntys
m[e]ke hym-self a mon wel may,
and wildeschip so wel wayue i-wys;
Ther-fore after suche fastyng,
hit semes clene that we schuld be
And eke worthi in al thyng
to receyue his body fre.


And ensaumpul we moun take,
as our faderes han vs kent,
and as book mynd conen make
in the Olde Testament,
ffor er thay maken sacrifice
of the lompe on Pasche day,
thay th[o]ghten, as men that wer wyse
pleysaunt be to Goddes pay,
And eten erbes þat bytter wer
and honysokles as I say,
the wiche abaten in gode maner
fleschely lust by al way,
That thay might clene and worthi be
to sacre that lombe after hor lawe;
ensampel of wiche sewen now we,
And after hor doyng for to draw,
And this tyme pyne vs whit fastyng
forto receyue worthily
the lombe of lyfe to his liking,
that whit his blode so con vs by.