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Satire 32.

[Widowes? your Push, nor Praie Sir stand awaie]

Widowes? your Push, nor Praie Sir stand awaie,
Noe nor your fie for shame, forbeare I praie,
Can make a souldier cease his enterprise;
I tell you widowes, souldiers are too wise,
They know that breaches into Towres are made,
To enter them; whereby the Towre t'invade.
They knowe that asking, shall J enter in?!
Is not the waie a Towre, or Forte to winn.
Their discipline is such, they vse smale speech,
But with true courage, falls-vppintoh' breach.
Where maugre Daungers worste, they'le make th'adventure,
And (as true spirits should) brauely enter.
They will not with beseechings pray them yeild,
For falls they'le take, but they will winn the field.