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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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TO THE GREAT AND VERTUOUS, the Countesse of Montgomrie.

Your Fame (great Lady) is so lowd resounded,
By your free Trumpet, my right worthy frend;
That, with it, all my forces stand confounded,
Arm'd, and disarm'd at once, to one iust end;
To honor and describe the blest consent
Twixt your high blood and soule, in vertues rare.
Of which, my friends praise is so eminent,
That I shall hardly like his Echo fare,
To render onely th' ends of his shrill Verse.
Besides; my Bounds are short; and I must, meerely,
My will to honour your rare parts, rehearse;
VVith more time, singing your renowme more clearely.
Meane-time, take Homer for my wants supply:
To whom adioyn'd, your Name shall neuer die.