University of Virginia Library


Illvstr. IX.

[Some Folkes there are, (and many men suppose]

Good Hopes, we best accomplish may,
By lab'ring in a constant-Way.

Some Folkes there are, (and many men suppose,
That I my selfe, may passe for one of those)
Who many likely Businesses intend,
Yet, bring but very few, unto an end.
Which folly to prevent, this Emblem, here,
Did in a luckie houre, perhaps, appeare.
For, as to draw a Circle, with our hand,
We cause the brazen Compasses to stand
With one foot firmely fixed one the ground;
And move the other in a Constant-round:
Right so, when we shall purpose to proceed
In any just, and profitable deed,
We first, should by a constant-resolution,
Stand firme, to what we put in execution:
And, then, with perseverance, labour out
Those workings, which we are employ'd about.
For, we with constant-liking, must elect
Those Businesses, we purpose to effect:
Or els, our time, our labour, and our cost,
Will, oft, be much in vaine, or wholly lost.
With constant-labour, we must follow, too,
Those things, which we resolved are to do;
Or, els, our hopes will never be effected,
How warily soe're we have projected.
Long Iourneys I abhorre; yet, otherwhile
I meane a Furlong, and performe a Mile.
I greatly feare Long-labours to begin;
Yet, some I finish, when I'me entred in:
And, if in Labour, I more constant grow,
How I improve, hereafter, you shall know.