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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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21 Against Cosmus couetousnesse.
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21 Against Cosmus couetousnesse.

Cosmus , when I among thine other vices.
That are in nature foule, in number many,
Aske thee what is the reason thee entices,
To be so basely pinching for thy penny?
Do'st thou not call vpon thy selfe a curse,
Not to enioy the wealth that thou hast wonne:
But saue, as if thy soule were in thy purse?
Thou straight reply'st, I saue all for my sonne.
Alas, this re-confirmes what I said rather:
Cosmus hath euer beene a Penny-father.