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[Sung by theological students.]

The hour is come,—our Master calls!
And forth for him we go:
We part within these hallowed walls,
To meet no more below.
We bind the Spirit's armour on;
We make the Cross our shield;
And hence must to our work be gone,
With all the world our field.
But while afar and wide apart
Our lines of duty run,
We shall not sunder heart from heart;
For they in Christ are one!
Though some our lonely way may take,
To heathen isle or main,
Our links of love will never break;
A Saviour holds the chain!
The sacred lessons taught us here,—
The friends, from whom they fell,—
To grateful memory ever dear,
Within her soul shall dwell.
As brethren by the holiest tie,
We plight our faith anew
To reunite in praise on high,
And bid this fond adieu.