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8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CXIII. John Smyth. A Letter to Mr. Berkeley June 1, 1620
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8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CXIII. John Smyth. A Letter to Mr. Berkeley
June 1, 1620

Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 15
Document in New York Public Library.
List of Records No. 177

Sr: I p̱ceiue by Compayringe former ɫres wth these of mr Woodleefes now
receiued, That our payment to mr Wilɫms for the fraight of our ship & the
wages of Toby ffelgate must be payd by .4. p̱tℯ because the fift p̱t as was
articled & hoped by vs cometh not nor is likely to come eyther from Sr
Geo: Yardly or mr Woodleefe: I rather much doubt by many adu9tisemtℯ
wch I dayly receyve from his both old & newe doares & doings whether he
will be able to hold a third p̱t wth mr Tracy for he hath deeply sophisti-
cated wth vs

Then admiting that we are to pay for .9. monthes for the ship at .33ɫi the
month that cometh to .297ɫi & for Toby ffelgates wages at iiijɫi xs the month
& for his mans xviijs the month cometh to .48li 12s for of wch mr Wms
is to pay to them by his agreemt (at least) .25s the month & then to them
two resteth for vs to pay .37li 7s Sm total wch we are to pay ∥to both of
them∥ cometh[196] to .334li 7s ∥ex.∥ Towards wch mr Wms for our ship sold him
hath vnder his hand acquited vs of .60li And also he rec̃ .44s in .2.
peices in p̱t in ernest of mr Woodleefe, wch Woodlefe accounted to vs
And also .1s he took into his hands from Songer who should have gone
surgeon for vs wch we imprest to him towards furnishing his surgeons
chest And also mr Woodleefes p̢sent ɫres enform vs That mr Wms is to
allowe for .56ɫi of biskets one great iron frying pan & one great iron pot
wch as I gather by your book of accompt stood vs in somewhat above
x x .xvs And also .7li 10s for fish & xijs for .2. bushels of corne delyu9ed
by mr Woodleefe in Virginia ∥for the mariners p̳vision in their return
homewards.∥ All wch being ∥73li 11s And∥ allowed vnto vs. Then
resteth to mr Wms ∥and mr ffelgate∥ for vs to pay xxli xvjs ∥.260ɫi 16s.∥

The p̱te wherof being lijli xiijs ∥.65ɫi 4s∥ is yor owne, And the .3. p̱te
for mr Thorp mr Tracy and yor myselfe cometh to 158li 2s ∥.195ɫi 12s.∥


Towards wch ∥three p̱tes of ours∥ you have of mr Thorps mony in yor
hands .45ɫi 18s And of myne .34ɫi vs xd ∥In all—80ɫi 3s 10d∥ Then
resteth more to come to you in all for our .3. p̱ts 77li 18s 2d ∥.115ɫi 8s 10d
x x x∥ wch to bring to your hands my man by me is purposely sent to
you from london.

I have sent you Woodleef's ioynt ɫre agayne wch gives to vs here small
content, & the foolery of his contemplative newe magazen (not to be
furnished for .1000ɫi) & of ye newest fashion, lesse. But of him & it, more
when I wayt on you in July next if god soe please, In the meane tyme we
have a gou9nor none of the wisest p̳videntest nor observantest of our
direcc̃ons breaking through orders for dyet and society, sale of our men
taking newe charge ∥of others servants∥ to drawe to his pryvate vnder
color thereof, our publike &c. I cannot for the p̢sent but much marvell
that you have noe pryvate ɫres from Rowland Painter, nor I any from
John Blanchard who vowed to mee, true & secret adu9tisemt (wch I beleeve
because he is honest) especially touching y mr Woodleefe & his estate,
behaviour & vsage of our men & other observac̃ons, neyther hath the
wife of Rich Godfry any ɫre from her husband, I fear the old Virginian
trick of surprise of ɫres (if not counterfeiting also) is cast vpon vs by
mr Woodleefe, And the rather because he followed the ship to the mouth
of the ryver, as the date of his postscript .Hickaton .18. M9cij.

Onely our ancient Yate none of the wisest wryteth too much but all of
one syde.

Besides what is aforesaid of right we are in all equity (as to mee seem-
eth to have abatemt from mr Will͠ms for .2. monthes needles stay in
Virginia above our .50. dayes for noe occasion of ours but to amend
his weak ship wch I leave to yor considerac̃on, not knowing what the order
of m9chants is herein.

Mr Tracy contynued at his dep̱ture from london 6. dayes past constant
in determynac̃on for Virginia making his p̳visions accordingly. And
hath obtayned the lre lone of .2. kyne from Sr Edwin Sandis And others,
and goates from the lady Dale, And is to have ɫres to be admitted of the
Virginia Counsell there. Being willing to ad my sollicytac̃on for whatsoeu9
may bringe him eyther gayne or grace, because all goeth in comon.


That allowance wch is to come from the company towards mr ffelgates
wages by the p̳mise of the deputy fferrar at .xvs the month I will doe my
best endeavor at his cominge vp howbeit I doubt of the receipt because mr
fferrar the last q̢ter court delyu9ed vp his accompt, and is not likly to
bee agayne newe chosen for the next year.

Touching the goods returned from Virginia I pray your care & disposic̃on
as you think best soe that it may come into mony against the feast of
St James.

I have returned to you fferdinand yates ɫres to mee wch you sent me
vnopened, wch soe to doe I pray noe more for noe secret or pryvate ɫre
vncomunicated must be in p̱tnership.

I have noe leasure to read agayne what I have scribled wherefore I beseech
you p̱don faults & false castings as you find them. I rest eu9 wth my
service remembred

Yrs to be comanded
Jo: Sm.
[Indorsed by John Smyth:] Copy of my ɫre to mr Berkely .1. Junij
.1620. about our accompts for the Virginia ship then returned.

Marginal note in the handwriting of John Smyth.