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Hymn 1.

Thou Judge of quick and dead,
Before whose bar severe
With holy joy, or guilty dread
We all shall soon appear;
Our caution'd souls prepare
For that tremendous day,
And fill us now with watchful care,
And stir us up to pray.
To pray, and wait the hour,
The awful hour unknown,
When robed in majesty, and power,
Thou shalt from heaven come down,
The' immortal Son of Man,
To judge the human race,
With all Thy Father's dazzling train,
With all Thy glorious grace.


To damp our earthly joys,
To' increase our gracious fears,
For ever let the archangel's voice
Be sounding in our ears,
The solemn midnight cry,
“Ye dead, the Judge is come,
Arise, and meet Him in the sky,
And meet your instant doom.”
O! may we thus be found
Obedient to his word,
Attentive to the trumpet's sound,
And looking for our Lord:
O! may we thus ensure
Our lot among the blest,
And watch a moment to secure
An everlasting rest.


Hymn 2.

[Ah, what a wretch am I!]

Ah, what a wretch am I!
I cannot watch one hour:
The roaring lion still is nigh,
And ready to devour:
A constant watch he keeps,
He eyes me night and day,
And never slumbers, never sleeps,
Lest he should lose his prey.
The world are always nigh,
And for my halting wait,
The Philistines in ambush lie,
On me to wreak their hate:


They watch my every turn,
They mark where'er I go,
Their malice not to sleep hath sworn
Till it hath kill'd their foe.
The Delilah within
Ready each moment stands
To give me up, fast bound by sin,
Into their cruel hands:
I slight my Saviour's aid,
Take my destroyer's part,
And still am falling, self-betray'd
By my own faithless heart.
How weak my heart and blind,
That I can think of ease,
Can comfort for a moment find
In such a state as this!
Can fold my arms to sleep,
Nor pain nor horror feel,
While sinking swift into the deep,
And dropping into hell.
Gracious Redeemer shake
This slumber from my soul,
Say to me now, Awake, awake,
And Christ shall make thee whole:
Lay to Thy mighty hand,
Alarm me in this hour,
And make me fully understand
The thunder of Thy power.
Give me on Thee to call,
Always to watch and pray,
Lest I into temptation fall,
And cast my shield away:


For each assault prepared,
And ready may I be,
For ever standing on my guard,
And looking up to Thee.
O! do Thou always warn
My soul of evil near,
When to the right or left I turn,
The Witness let me hear,
“Come back; this is the way:
Come back, and walk herein:”
O may I hearken, and obey,
And shun the paths of sin.
I would from every sin
As from a serpent fly,
Abhor to touch the thing unclean,
And rather choose to die.
I would, I would my last
This very moment breathe,
Would die, that I may never taste
Of sin, and second death.
Thou seest my feebleness,
Jesus, be Thou my power:
My help, and refuge in distress,
My fortress and my tower:
Cause me to trust in Thee,
Be Thou my sure abode,
My horn, and rock, and buckler be,
My Saviour, and my God.
Myself I cannot save,
Myself I cannot keep;
But strength in Thee I surely have,
Whose eyelids never sleep.


My soul to Thee alone
Now therefore I commend;
Thou, Jesus, having loved Thine own,
Shalt love me to the end.


Hymn 3.

[I, I am the man that have known]

I, I am the man that have known
Distress by the stroke of His rod:
And still through the anguish I groan,
And pine for the absence of God:
The happy in Jesus, may sleep:
But O! till in me He appears,
Be this my employment to weep,
And water my couch with my tears.
Or, rather, if any are nigh,
Forlorn, and afflicted like me,
All night let us lift up our cry,
And mourn His appearing to see,
(As watchmen expecting the morn)
Look out for the light of His face,
And wait for His mercy's return,
And long to recover His grace.
His grace to our souls did appear,
And brought us salvation from sin;
We felt our Immanuel here,
Restoring His kingdom within:
But O! we have lost him again,
His Spirit hath taken its flight,
Our joy, it is turn'd into pain,
Our day it is turn'd into night.


O what shall we do to retrieve
The love for a season bestow'd!
'Tis better to die than to live
Exiled from the presence of God:
With sorrow distracted, and doubt,
With palpable horror oppress'd,
The city we wander about,
And seek our repose in His breast.
Ye watchmen of Israel, declare
If ye our Beloved have seen,
And point to that Heavenly Fair,
Surpassing the children of men:
Our Lover and Lord from above,
Who only can quiet our pain,
Whom only we languish to love,
O where shall we find Him again!
The joy, and desire of our eyes,
The end of our sorrow and woe,
Our hope, and our heavenly prize,
Our height of ambition below;
Once more if He show us His face,
He never again shall depart,
Detain'd in our closest embrace,
Eternally held in our heart.


Hymn 4.

[O Jesus, the Rest]

O Jesus, the Rest
Of spirits distress'd,
In whom all the children of men may be blest,
The blessing design'd
For the whole of mankind,
Give us in the love of Thy Spirit to find.


For this do we keep
A sad vigil, and weep,
The fruit of our tears that in joy we may reap;
While sent from above
The comfort we prove,
The unspeakable gift of Thy ransoming love.
Our brethren we see
By mercy set free,
They have found the abundant redemption in Thee.
Thy tenders of grace
They gladly embrace,
And tell of Thy goodness, and live to Thy praise.
But still we remain
In bondage and pain,
Unable to bear, or to shake off our chain;
In the furnace we cry,
Come, Lord, from the sky,
Make haste to our help, or in Egypt we die.
O Jesus, appear
Thy mourners to cheer,
Our grief to assuage, and to banish our fear:
Thy prisoners release,
Vouchsafe us Thy peace,
And our troubles and sins in a moment shall cease.
That moment be now;
The petition allow,
Our present Redeemer, and Comforter Thou,
The freedom from sin,
The' atonement bring in,
And sprinkle our conscience, and bid us be clean.


Thy blessing of grace
Now let it take place,
The dew of Thy mercy descend on our race;
Thy Spirit, O God,
Pour out on the crowd,
And water us all with a shower of Thy blood!


Hymn 5.

[Father of mercies, hear!]

Father of mercies, hear!
Who didst of old send down
An heavenly messenger,
With tidings of Thy Son:
Shepherds, who watch'd their flocks by night,
They first believed the word,
And sang, o'erwhelm'd with heavenly light,
The birth of Christ, the Lord.
To men of simple heart
The Saviour still reveal,
The welcome news impart
Of joy unspeakable;
To us, who here our stations keep,
To us a Child be given,
Who wait to find, while others sleep,
The Lord of earth and heaven.
With pure celestial day
Our ravish'd souls surround,
Or let the heavenly ray
Within our hearts be found:
Let all Thy ransom'd sons of grace
The' angelic army join,
And chant in ceaseless songs of praise
The Majesty Divine.


Glory to God above
For His redeeming plan,
And peace on earth, and love
Benevolent to man:
We justly own the glory His,
With heaven's acclaiming powers;
For O! the benefit and bliss
Is all for ever ours!


Hymn 6.

[Jesus, my Master, and my Lord]

Jesus, my Master, and my Lord,
I would Thy will obey,
Humbly receive Thy warning word,
And always watch, and pray.
My constant need of watchful prayer
I daily see, and feel,
To keep me safe from every snare
Of sin, and earth, and hell.
Into a world of ruffians sent,
I walk on hostile ground,
Wild human beasts, on slaughter bent,
And ravening wolves surround.
The lion seeks my soul to slay,
In some unguarded hour,
And waits to tear his sleeping prey,
And watches to devour.
But worse than all my foes, I find
The enemy within,
The evil heart, the carnal mind,
My own insidious sin:


My nature every moment waits
To render me secure,
And all my paths with ease besets,
To make my ruin sure.
But Thou hast given a loud alarm,
And Thou shalt still prepare
My soul for all assaults, and arm
With never ceasing prayer.
Thou wilt not suffer me to sleep,
Who on Thy love depend,
But still Thy faithful servant keep,
And save me to the end.


Hymn 7.

[Jesus, bestow the power]

Jesus, bestow the power,
Who gavest the command:
Unwearied on Thyself, my tower,
Enable me to stand;
Cheerful to undergo
Whole nights of sweet distress,
And watch against my threefold foe,
Till all my conflicts cease.
Bid me of men beware,
And to my ways take heed,
Discern their every secret snare,
And circumspectly tread.
O might I calmly wait
Thy succours from above,
And stand against their open hate,
And well-dissembled love.


My spirit, Lord, alarm,
When men and devils join,
Against the wiles of Satan, arm
In panoply Divine.
O may I fix my face
His onsets to repel,
Quench all his fiery darts, and chase
The fiend to his own hell.
But above all afraid
Of my own bosom foe,
Still let me sue to Thee for aid,
To Thee my weakness show,
Hang on Thine arm alone
With self-mistrusting care,
And deeply in the Spirit groan
The never-ceasing prayer.
Give me a sober mind,
A quick-discerning eye
The first approach of sin to find,
And all occasions fly.
Still may I cleave to Thee,
And never more depart,
But watch with godly jealousy
Over my evil heart.
Thus let me pass my days
Of sojourning beneath,
And languish to conclude my race,
And render up my breath,
In humble love and fear,
Thine image to regain,
And see Thee in the clouds appear,
And rise with Thee to reign.



Hymn 8.

[Hark, how the watchmen cry!]

Hark, how the watchmen cry!
Attend the trumpet's sound,
Stand to your arms; the foe is nigh,
The powers of hell surround:
Who bow to Christ's command
Your arms and hearts prepare;
The day of battle is at hand,
Go forth to glorious war.
See on the mountain's top
The ensign of your God,
In Jesu's name I lift it up,
All stain'd with hallow'd blood:
His standard-bearer I
To all the nations call,
Let all to Jesu's cross draw nigh;
He bore the cross for all.
Ye who His call obey,
Behold the banner spread
To cover in the evil day
His faithful soldier's head:
Be strong in Jesu's might;
The panoply Divine
Put on, beneath this standard fight,
And conquer in this sign.
Go up, with Christ, your Head,
Your Captain's footsteps see,
Follow your Captain, and be led
To certain victory:


All power to Him is given,
He ever reigns the same,
Salvation, happiness, and heaven
Are all in Jesu's name.
Ye now have took the field,
And fearlessly march on,
Fight the good fight, hold fast your shield,
Till Satan is cast down.
Cast down he soon shall be,
He shall, he shall submit,
Compell'd with all his host to flee
Or bruised beneath your feet.
Only have faith in God,
In faith your foes assail,
Not wrestling against flesh and blood,
But all the powers of hell:
From thrones of glory driven,
By flaming vengeance hurl'd,
They throng the air, and darken heaven,
And rule the lower world.
Angels your march oppose,
Who still in strength excel,
Your secret, sworn, eternal foes,
Countless, invisible;
With rage that never ends,
Their hellish arts they try,
Legions of dire malicious fiends,
And spirits enthroned on high.
On earth the' usurpers reign,
Exert their baleful power,
O'er the poor fallen sons of men
They tyrannize their hour.


But shall believers fear?
But shall believers fly?
Or see the bloody cross appear,
And all their powers defy?
Jesu's tremendous name,
Puts all our foes to flight!
Jesus the meek, the angry Lamb
A lion is in fight:
By all hell's host withstood,
We all hell's host o'erthrow,
And conquering them through Jesu's blood,
We still to conquer go.
Our Captain leads us on,
He beckons from the skies,
He reaches out a starry crown,
And bids us take the prize;
“Be faithful unto death,
Partake My victory,
And thou shalt wear this glorious wreath,
And thou shalt reign with Me.”
'Tis thus the righteous Lord
To every soldier saith,
Eternal life is the reward
Of all-victorious faith:
Who conquer in His might
The victor's meed receive,
And claim a kingdom in His right,
Which God is bound to give.
But let us all abide
Throughout the glorious war,
Till every soul is sanctified,
And more than conqueror;


Till every perfect one
To heavenly joys remove,
And sit with Jesus on His throne
Of everlasting love.


Hymn 9.

[Captain, God of our salvation]

Captain, God of our salvation,
Night and day
Will we pay
Thee our adoration:
All day long our lips confess Thee,
All the night
Our delight
Is in songs to bless Thee.
Whom Thy dying love o'erpowers,
Lost in Thee
Happy we
Never count the hours:
Love, our one delightful lesson,
Love and joy
Still employ
Every gracious season.
Rivals of the heavenly choir,
Lo! we rise
To the skies,
Higher still, and higher:
There we have our conversation,
Talk with God,
Him whose blood
Purchased our salvation.


We like all Thy host adore Thee:
Restless they
Night and day
Render Thee the glory.
Author of our every blessing,
God of grace,
Thee we praise
Never, never ceasing.
This be here our whole employment,
Till we claim,
Through Thy name,
All Thy love's enjoyment;
Till we drink the crystal river,
Drink and sing
To our King,
Sing and shout for ever.


Hymn 10.

[Jesus, God of our salvation]

Jesus, God of our salvation,
Give us eyes Thyself to see,
Waiting for Thy consolation,
Longing to believe on Thee:
Now vouchsafe the sacred power,
Now the faith Divine impart,
Meet us at this solemn hour,
Shine in every drooping heart.
Anna-like within the temple,
Simeon-like we meekly stay;
Daily with Thy saints assemble,
Nightly for Thy coming pray:


While our souls are bow'd before Thee,
While we humbly sue for grace,
Come, Thy people's Light and Glory,
Show to all Thy heavenly face.
If to us Thy sacred Spirit
Hath the future grace reveal'd,
Let us by Thy righteous merit
Now receive our pardon seal'd;
To eternal life appointed,
Let us Thy salvation see,
Now behold the Lord's Anointed,
Now obtain our heaven in Thee.


Hymn 11.

[Jesus, guard Thy gather'd sheep]

Jesus, guard Thy gather'd sheep,
Who Thy voice begin to know,
Day and night in safety keep,
Help us after Thee to go:
Eyeing Thee with fix'd regard,
By Thy word and Spirit led,
Walk we in the works prepared,
Close in all Thy footsteps tread.
In Thy pilgrimage with men,
(Objects of Thy constant care,)
Thou didst all their griefs sustain,
Labouring, watching unto prayer:
Thou whole nights in prayer didst spend
On the mount for us employ'd,
Prompt the helpless to defend,
Prevalent with man and God.


By no private wants compell'd,
Only love inspired Thy breast,
Love Thy steady hands upheld,
Love enforced the kind request:
And shall we refuse to join,
We who all the good receive,
Reap the fruit of toil Divine,
By the prayer of Jesus live!
Nay, but in Thy strength we rise,
Nightly to the mountain go,
Breathe our wishes to the skies,
For the sleeping crowd below;
Pray, my watchful brethren, pray,
Full of wants, and sins, and fears,
Wrestle till the break of day,
Till the saving grace appears.
Jesus, hear our midnight cry,
Execute Thy love's design,
Bring Thy great salvation nigh,
Claim a ransom'd world for Thine,
Take the purchase of Thy blood,
(Blood that speaks our sins forgiven,)
Let it bring us near to God,
Let it pray us up to heaven!


Hymn 12.

[To Thee, the true eternal Light]

To Thee, the true eternal Light,
At this awful noon of night,
Our longing souls ascend;
For Thee we watch, for Thee we pray,
And hasten to the joyful day
When all our toils shall end.


The joyful day we soon shall see,
With no sad obscurity
Attended, or pursued;
No dark eclipse shall intervene,
Nor gloomy grief pollute the scene,
Or stain the day of God.
The day of God shall then be ours,
Number'd with the angel-powers,
And souls on earth forgiven,
We in the New Jerusalem
Shall all our happy mansions claim,
The citizens of heaven.
We all shall see the golden blaze
Of that high and lofty place,
And breathe the purpled air:
It needs nor sun, nor candle's light,
Divinely fair, Divinely bright,
For Christ the Lamb is there.
By faith we now the veil look through,
Now a glimpse of glory view,
And bless the opening ray;
Far, far above all height we soar,
The depths of Deity to' explore
In everlasting day.


Hymn 13.

[How happy, gracious Lord! are we]

How happy, gracious Lord! are we,
Divinely drawn to follow Thee,
Whose hours divided are
Betwixt the mount and multitude:
Our day is spent in doing good,
Our night in praise and prayer.


With us no melancholy void,
No period lingers unemploy'd,
Or unimproved below:
Our weariness of life is gone,
Who live to serve our God alone,
And only Thee to know.
The winter's night, and summer's day,
Glide imperceptibly away,
Too short to sing Thy praise:
Too few we find the happy hours,
And haste to join those heavenly powers,
In everlasting lays.
With all who chant Thy name on high,
And, “Holy, holy, holy,” cry,
(A bright harmonious throng!)
We long Thy praises to repeat,
And restless sing, around Thy seat,
The new, eternal song.


Hymn 14.

[Meet and right it is to sing]

Meet and right it is to sing
At every time and place,
Glory to our heavenly King,
The God of truth and grace:
Join we then with sweet accord,
All in one thanksgiving join,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord,
Eternal praise be Thine!
Thee the first-born sons of light
In choral symphonies
Praise by day, day without night,
And never, never cease:


Angels, and archangels all
Sing the mystic Three in One,
Sing, and stop, and gaze, and fall
O'erwhelm'd before Thy throne.
Vying with that happy choir
Who chant Thy praise above,
We on eagles' wings aspire,
The wings of faith and love:
Thee they sing with glory crown'd,
We extol the slaughter'd Lamb,
Lower if our voices sound,
Our subject is the same.
Father, God, Thy love we praise,
Which gave Thy Son to die,
Jesus full of truth and grace
Alike we glorify;
Spirit, Comforter Divine,
Praise by all to Thee be given,
Till we in full chorus join,
And earth is turn'd to heaven.


Hymn 15.

[Join all ye ransom'd sons of grace]

Join all ye ransom'd sons of grace,
The holy joy prolong,
And shout to the Redeemer's praise
A solemn midnight song.
Blessing, and thanks, and love, and might
Be to our Jesus given,
Who turns our darkness into light,
Who turns our hell to heaven.


Thither our faithful souls He leads,
Thither He bids us rise;
With crowns of joy upon our heads,
To meet Him in the skies.
To seal the universal doom,
The skies He soon shall bow—
But if Thou must at midnight come,
O let us meet Thee now!


Hymn 16.

[Call aloud on Jesu's name]

Call aloud on Jesu's name,
Watchmen of Jerusalem,
Ye, that by our Lord's command
On her ruin'd rampart stand;
Day and night your care express,
Never, never hold your peace,
For a gracious answer cry,
Urge, and force Him to reply.
Well maintain the post assign'd,
Put your faithful God in mind,
Instantly the promise plead,
Till the word of grace proceed,
Never suffer Him to rest,
Till He answer your request,
Till our Sion He repair,
Fix His constant presence there.
Set for this if, Lord, I am,
Let me now the promise claim,
Let my faithful brethren join,
All remembrancers Divine;


All who Sion's burden bear,
Join ye in the fervent prayer,
Till His utmost truth we prove,
Edified in perfect love.
Jesus, Head, and Lord of all,
Answer to our midnight call,
Our Jerusalem repair,
Build again Thy house of prayer,
Now Thy ancient wonders show,
Raise a glorious church below,
Sion from her ruins raise,
Spread throughout the earth her praise.
Spread throughout the earth Thine own,
Fully by Thy people known;
Let us with Thy lustre shine,
Pillars in the dome Divine,
Master of the building art,
'Stablish every faithful heart,
Finish Thy great work of grace,
Perfect us in holiness.


Hymn 17.

Come let us anew
Our pleasures pursue:
For Christian delight
The day is too short; let us borrow the night.
In sanctified joy
Each moment employ,
To Jesus's praise,
And spend, and be spent in the triumph of grace.


The slaves of excess,
Their senses to please
Whole nights can bestow,
And on in a circle of riot they go:
Poor prodigals, they
The night into day
By revellings turn,
And all the restraints of sobriety scorn.
The drunkards proclaim
At midnight their shame,
Their sacrifice bring,
And loud to the praise of their master they sing.
The hellish desires
Which Satan inspires,
In sonnets they breathe,
And shouting descend to the mansions of death.
The civiller crowd,
In theatres proud,
Acknowledge his power,
And Satan in nightly assemblies adore:
To the masque and the ball
They fly at his call;
Or in pleasures excel,
And chant in a grove to the harpers of hell.
And shall we not sing
Our Master and King
While men are at rest,
With Jesus admitted at midnight to feast?
Here only we may
With innocence stay,
The' enjoyment improve,
And abide at the banquet of Jesus's love.


In Him is bestow'd
The spiritual food,
The manna Divine,
And Jesus's love is far better than wine:
With joy we receive
The blessing, and give
By day and by night
All thanks to the Source of our endless delight.
Our concert of praise
To Jesus we raise,
And all the night long
Continue the new evangelical song:
We dance to the fame
Of Jesus's name,
The joy it imparts
Is heaven begun in our musical hearts.
Thus, thus we bestow
Our moments below,
And singing remove,
With all the redeem'd to the Sion above:
There, there shall we stand
With our harps in our hand,
Interrupted no more,
And eternally sing, and rejoice, and adore.


Hymn 18.

[Ye virgin souls arise]

Ye virgin souls arise,
With all the dead awake,
Unto salvation wise,
Oil in your vessels take,
Upstarting at the midnight cry,
Behold the Heavenly Bridegroom nigh.


He comes, He comes to call
The nations to His bar,
And raise to glory all
Who fit for glory are;
Made ready for your full reward,
Go forth with joy to meet your Lord.
Go meet Him in the sky
Your everlasting Friend,
Your Head to glorify
With all His saints ascend,
Ye pure in heart, obtain the grace
To see without a veil His face.
Ye that have here received
The unction from above,
And in His Spirit lived
Obedient to His love,
Jesus shall claim you for His bride:
Rejoice with all the sanctified.
Rejoice in glorious hope
Of that great day unknown,
When all shall be caught up
And stand before His throne,
Call'd to partake the marriage feast,
And lean on our Immanuel's breast.
The everlasting doors
Shall soon the saints receive,
Above those angel powers
In glorious joy to live:
Far from a world of grief, and sin,
With God eternally shut in.


Then let us wait to hear
The trumpet's welcome sound,
To see our Lord appear
Watching let us be found;
When Jesus doth the heavens bow,
Be found—as Lord Thou find'st us now.


Hymn 19. [Revelation iv.]

[Sinners look up, by grace forgiven]

Sinners look up, by grace forgiven,
Behold an open door in heaven;
Attend, ye souls in Jesus found,
The Saviour's voice, the trumpet's sound.
Hither come up, He cries, and see
The secrets of eternity.
Rise, in the Spirit's rapture, rise
To yon bright throne above the skies;
To Him who sits sublime thereon,
In colour like a sardine stone,
And scatters, as the jasper's rays,
The glories of His dreadful face.
Tremble; yet O! with love draw near,
The showery bow forbids your fear,
The throne it quite encircles round,
(And grace on every side is found,)
In colour like an emerald seen,
Delightful, and eternal green.
Turn as He will, the eyes Divine
Must ever meet that sacred sign,
Sign of His covenanted grace,
Confirm'd to all our ransom'd race,
Who sing the great Redeemer's love,
Triumphant with that host above.


Near the Most High, on either hand
Behold a venerable band!
Twenty-and-four on seats behold!
Enrobed in white, and crown'd with gold,
With Jesu's joy supremely blest,
Enthroned in everlasting rest!
God over all His state maintains,
And high amidst His ancients reigns,
Voices are heard, and thunders roar,
And loud proclaim His awful power,
And waving flames of lightning shine,
Thick flashing from the throne Divine.
Burning before the Sovereign Sire
Are seven lamps of living fire,
His ministerial spirits they,
Who ever in His presence stay,
The purest essences above,
The brightest flames of heavenly love.
Fronting the throne a crystal sea
Rolls on its perfect purity,
Laver of sanctifying grace,
It justly holds the middle space,
For none approach the holy God,
Till throughly wash'd in Jesu's blood.
Between the saints, and Holy One,
Around His seat, and placed thereon,
Four emblematic creatures shine,
Replete with eyes and powers Divine,
And all the various virtues show
Of Jesu's ministers below.


The lion bold their heart displays,
The labouring ox their strength of grace,
The man their mind discreet humane,
The eagle doth their speed explain,
Wherewith they soar aloft, to gaze
On the bright Sun of Righteousness!
Spangled with eyes before, behind,
(Fit emblem of a watchful mind,)
The six-wing'd messengers appear,
And full of inward eyes severe,
Themselves with strictest search to scan,
Till modell'd by the perfect plan.
God they extol above the sky,
And Holy, holy, holy cry,
Who was, and is, and still shall be
In essence One, in persons Three,
By all incessantly adored,
Omnipotent, eternal Lord.
Soon as in hymns the mystic four
The everlasting God adore,
The elders prostrate at His seat
His glorious attributes repeat,
The Source of all their blessings own,
And cast their crowns before His throne.
Honour, and might, and majesty,
Who gavest all that is to be,
Thou, Lord, art worthy to receive:
And lo! for this in heaven we live,
With all Thy creatures to commend
Our Source, Support, and glorious End!