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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 19-36. Same—Lotteries, raffles and bingo games.[326]

(a) No person shall set up or promote, or be concerned in
managing or drawing a lottery or raffle for money or other thing
of value, or knowingly permit such lottery in any house under his
control, or knowingly permit money or other property to be
raffled for in such house, or to be won therein by throwing or using
dice, or by any other game of chance, or knowingly permit the sale
in such house of any chance or ticket, or share of a ticket, in a
lottery, or any writing, certificate, bill, token or other device
purporting or intended to guarantee or assure to any person or
entitle him to a prize or share of or interest in a prize to be drawn
in a lottery, or, for himself or another person, buy, sell or
transfer, or have in his possession for the purpose of sale, or with
intent to exchange, negotiate or transfer or aid in selling,
exchanging, negotiating or transferring, a chance or ticket in or
share of a ticket in a lottery or any such written certificate, bill,
token or device.

(b) This section shall not apply to any bingo game or raffle
conducted solely by any of the following:

(1) A voluntary fire department or rescue squad which has


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been recognized by an ordinance or resolution of the city as being
a part of the safety program of such political subdivision;

(2) An organization, which, for purposes of this section, shall
be defined as any of the following which operates without profit
and which has been in existence continuously for a period of two
years immediately prior to seeking a permit as hereinafter

a. A corporation, trust, church, association, community
chest, fund or foundation organized and operated exclusively for
religious, charitable, scientific, literary, community or
educational purposes;

b. Posts or associations of war veterans or auxiliary units
or societies of any such posts or associations, if such posts,
associations, units or societies are organized in the United States
or any of its possessions;

c. A fraternal society, order or association operating under
the lodge system;

d. A corporation or association organized and operated
exclusively for the restoration and maintenance of historic
gardens and the general promotion of beautiful gardens.

Provided, that no part of the gross receipts derived from such
activity inures directly or indirectly to the benefit of any private
shareholder, member, agent or employee of any such volunteer
fire department, rescue squad or organization; and provided
further, that any such volunteer fire department, rescue squad or
organization shall not enter into a contract with any person or
firm, association, organization, partnership or corporation of any
classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing,
managing or conducting bingo games or raffles. Such volunteer
fire department, rescue squad or organization may delegate the
authority or duty of organizing, managing or conducting
bingo games or raffles only to a natural person or persons who
are bona fide members of such volunteer fire department, rescue
squad or organization. No such volunteer fire department, rescue
squad or organization shall conduct any bingo game or raffle
without first having obtained an annual permit from the city
council. No such volunteer fire department, rescue squad or
organization shall place or permit to be placed on the premises
or within one hundred yards of the premises, where


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such bingo game is to be conducted, any sign or signs advertising
such bingo game. Records of all receipts and disbursements
shall be kept and shall be filed annually with the
commissioner of accounts of the circuit court for the city, and
such records shall be a matter of public record. The city
council may revoke the permit of any volunteer fire department,
rescue squad or organization found to be not in compliance
with this subsection, and any person, shareholder,
agent, member or employee of any such volunteer fire
department, rescue squad or organization violating this
subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction
thereof, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed one thousand

Should any volunteer fire department, rescue squad or
organization be found in violation of this subsection, then the
commonwealth's attorney may, in addition to the foregoing
criminal penalty, apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for
an injunction against such volunteer fire department, rescue
squad or organization from continuing to run bingo games or
raffles for a period not to exceed three years from the date of such
violation. (Code 1959, § 19-36; 8-20-73.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 18.1-340.