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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XCV.

The Argument.

This cherefull Psalme:
doth inuite vs in voyce:
inuiteth our voyce:
Due laudes to God:
in our hymnes to rebounde:
in hymnes to sounde:
With lowly hartes:
in hys grace to reioyce:
that we reioyce:
His worde to heare:
as we duely be bound:
as we be bound.



O come in one:
let vs sing to the Lord:
to prayse the Lord:
And hym recounte:
for the stay of our wealth,
our stay and wealth:
All harty ioyes:
let vs duely recorde:
let vs recorde:
To this strōg rocke:
to the Lord of our health,
our Lord of health.


His face with prayse
let vs ryse to preuent,
let vs preuent,
Hys factes in sight:
to the world to denounce,
let vs denounce:
Ioyne we I say:
in our ioyfull assent,
in glad assent,
Our psalms & hymns
let vs early pronounce,
let vs pronounce.



For why this Lord:
is a God of a might,
is God of might,
For helpe at neede:
Upon whom we may call:
whom we may call.
A puissant kyng:
in hys radiant lyght:
in hys brght lyght,
He passth all Gods:
by his rule ouer all:
by rulyng all.


All coastes of earth:
in hys power do ligh:
by hym do ligh:
His celles and groundes:
be they neuer so depe:
though they be depe:
As fast by hym:
be the mountaynes on hye:
stand mountaynes hye,
And stoupe to hym:
be they neuer so steepe:
though they be steepe.


The sea is hys:
as the worke of hys handes,
his worke of handes,
Her ryse and fall:
with her mutable rode,
with all her rode,
The land from her:
by authoritie standes:
by power standes,
Whom God so stayed:
for hys stable abode.
for hys abode.



O then come we:
let vs humbly adore,
let vs adore,
And prostrate ligh:
be we downe on our knees,
on both our knees:
He made vs all:
both the riche and the poore,
both riche and poore:
Both kyng and slaue
in theyr priuate degrees:
in theyr degrees.


For God he is:
as our Lord and our stay:
our Lord and stay,
Hys people we:
in hys pasture to rest:
in pasture neare:
His flocke of hand:
for he lead vs in way:
who leadth our way:
His voyce to day:
if ye heare at the lest,
if well ye heare.


Beware say I:
that ye harde not your hartes,
ye hard no hartes,
Agaynst hys grace:
when he byd you repent,
to you so ment,
As desert saw:
in a strife ouerwhart:
once strife orewhart,
Lyke tempting day:
of an eluishe entent,
of mad entent.



In which pastyme:
as your fathers aforne,
your fathers olde,
Dyd tempt my strength:
to assay what I could:
to proue my myght,
They proued but me:
in a mocke and a scorne:
in scorne to bold,
Where yet my workes:
might they see if they would,
they saw in syght.


Full forty yeres,
dyd I chyde with this age:
I blamde this age,
Great griefes by them:
did I suffer in mynde:
I felt by thys:
I sayd euen thus:
whē I spied how they raged,
to spy theyr rage,
They erre in hart:
in my wayes be they blynde:
my wayes they misse.


To whom I sware:
in myne angry reproche,
all wrathfully,
By theyr foule strayes:
was I forst therunto:
thus forst therto,
If they so euill:
to my rest shall approche:
my rest should see,
Then blame haue I:
if it euer be so:
if it be so.