University of Virginia Library



[Fair maiden when my love began]

Fair maiden when my love began
Ere thou thy beauty knew
I fearless owned my passion then
Nor met reproof from you
But now perfection wakes thy charms
& strangers turn to praise
Thy pride my faint grown heart alarms
& I scarce dare to gaze
Those lips to which mine own did grow
In loves glad infancy
With ruby ripeness now doth glow
As gems too rich for me
The full blown rose thy cheeks doth wear
Those lilys on thy brow
Forget whose kiss their buds did wear
& bloom above me now
Those eyes whose first sweet timid light
Did my young hopes inspire
Like midday suns in splendour bright
Now burn me with their fire
Nor can I weep what I bemoan
As great as are my fears
Too burning is my passion grown
To e'er be quenched by tears