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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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466. Fourth Commandment. “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy,” &c.


God, in mercy to his creatures
Hath a day of rest bestow'd!
Life, to some new state of being,
Is the rough and thorny road!
We are hastening
To a strange and last abode!


Many cares, and painful duties,
Through our week-day hours prevail;
With eternity before us,
Let us bid the sabbath, hail!
Sacred moments!
Time is short! and life is frail!


All our days are fix'd and number'd,
And for weighty ends were given!
May we evermore remember
To keep holy one in seven!
Fly from evil,
And prepare for death and heaven!



While, by unseen foes surrounded,
We deceitful hearts possess,
On this day, by God appointed,
May we all our sins confess,
And the Saviour,
Make our strength, and righteousness.


May we join our feeble praises
In th' assembly God hath bless'd;
And begin delightful foretastes
Of the joys in heaven possest.
Blissful region!
Sabbath of eternal rest!