University of Virginia Library


As on Killarney's bosom blue
We lay with lifted oars,
He challenged with his clarion true
The silent shores.
And straight from off her mountain throne
The Daughter of the Rock
Took up that challenge, tone by tone,
With airy mock.
And twice and thrice from hill to hill
She tossed it o'er the heather,
Then drew the notes with one wild thrill
Like pearls of silver dew
From a fragrant purple flower,
Echo's secret heart into
They shower.
We floated on, and ever on,
With many a warbled tune,
Until above the water wan
Awoke the moon


Then with a sudden, strange surprise
A clearer challenge came
From out his eager lips, and eyes
Of ardent flame.
Like Echo answering his horn,
At first I mocking met him;
Till, lest e'en counterfeited scorn
Should fret him,
From all my heart strings caught,
Faint as Echo's closing stress,
Stole the answer that he sighing sought,
Love's low “Yes!”