University of Virginia Library



My little Poetess! whose eyes
Not less than lips demand
The lore of sounding harmonies—
An almost infant hand
Laying the while my chords among,
Accept song-science in a song.


Fling far thy books! or only read
Of fairy spell and knightly deed:
Hating the pedant's learned strife
Truth walks but in the walks of Life.
Beside thy Mother watch and wait:
Her wish, her thought anticipate.
With kind, poetic insight guess
The want yon Babe can not express.
Be glad to play: and learn, each day,
To love, believe, enjoy, obey!


Fling far thy books! thy leaves be those
Famed Daphne's glittering laurel shows:
For thee inscribed with words sun-bright,
Blank tablets to the casual sight!
Bend o'er yon stream, and o'er its sound
Where sighs of Hylas are kiss-drowned.
No kindly converse scorn or shun:
The Muses danced on Helicon


Enwreathed, and infant Love enwreathing—
A God unwaked—yet softly breathing.


But when within thy deeper eyes
The dawn of ripening Thought shall rise,
And human sympathies have part
With heavenlier yearnings in thy heart,
Walk forth where Larks new-mounted sing,
And catch their transports on thy string!
Partake their joy; fit words supply:
Interpret next yon Thrush hard by:
Explore her deep heart, tone by tone:
But touch not, lest thou taint, thine own!


No Epic swell, no Tragic rage
Be thine: no war with Evil wage;
But show the Good, and show the Fair;
And launch light warblings on the air,
Glassy and pure, as those that stole,
Ere jarred by Love, through Psyche's soul!
More subtle lore than man could reach
With child-like instinct learn and teach:
With airier touch entwined than ours
The dew hang heavy from thy flowers!


Mimic not thou a manly strain;
A woman's song in heart and brain
Should woman be:—a coarser leaven
Would dull that music-birth from heaven.
Yon singing spheres have tones they ne'er
Have deigned as yet with earth to share;


Their Muse reserves that chime unknown
For bosoms vestal as her own;
From her, not alien models, learn
To charm it from its native bourne.


Too rich in vulgarer notes, we crave
The songs we lack, not those we have;
Hope, Beauty, Truth, let thine express;
Nor over-gay, nor mean their dress,
But finely woven and lightly worn;
No gems but those for service borne.
Forth, happy Hymns from a full heart
With natural impulse, simple art,
But softly, when o'er sacred ground,
As though you feared your own sweet sound!


Chiron taught Thetis' boy to fight:
A little, fearless Bard,
A maid disguised I teach to write;
And this be my reward—
In minstrelsy of hers one day
To clasp that beauteous, wilful Lay,
Which oft its brow o'er mine inclined,
Then, mocking, passed me in the wind!