University of Virginia Library



FROM THE NOVEL CALLED “The Young Philosopher.”

Ah! think'st thou, Laura, then, that wealth
Should make me thus my youth, and health,
And freedom and repose resign?—
Ah, no!—I toil to gain by stealth
One look, one tender glance of thine.
Born where huge hills on hills are piled,
In Caledonia's distant wild,
Unbounded Liberty was mine:
But thou upon my hopes hast smiled,
And bade me be a slave of thine!
Amid these gloomy haunts of gain,
Of weary hours I not complain,
While Hope forbids me to repine,
And whispering tells me I obtain
Pity from that soft heart of thine.


Tho' far capricious Fortune flies,
Yet Love will bless the sacrifice,
And all his purer joys combine;
While I my little world comprise
In that fair form, and fairer soul of thine.