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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Gregorius: Amor dei non potest esse ociosus, operatur enim magna, si est, si autem operari necgligitur, amor non est.
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Gregorius: Amor dei non potest esse ociosus, operatur enim magna, si est, si autem operari necgligitur, amor non est.

Also be good skil preue I may
that the office of the masse
these thre weeks vche Sonunday
grouing to grace all-waye was.
for atte furst begynnyng,
Circumdederunt singun we,
As holi chirch wer mysleuyng
þat any grace of syn shuld be;


but the next Sonnenday comming
comfortet more sum-what wer we,
and i[n] hope of grace prayng
wit this office, Exurge,
In whice we prayn to God, rise
and noght for-sake vs in grete nede,
and we als waxen more wyse
that misbileueden in our dede;
but now this thridde Sonnodaye
as men that comfortet ben oright
[For he ys our governour ever & ay
As hit ys in þe office dyght.]

Officium misse: Esse michi domine in deum protectorem.

In whice office, sothe to say,
holy chirche to God almight
four thinges special con pray,
as I to telle now haue i-tight.
Protectioun and confermyng,
of four thes arn the furst two,
helpe also and good ledyng,
We prayen aftere eke also.
for alle men in erthe leuyng,
outher þai bien wele other wo,
grace or gult, wit-oute lesing,
one of the faur gos no mon fro.
Thenne for suche as ben in grace
he praes of confirmacioun
for to kepe hym fro trespas
and falling by temptacioun.


Officio misse huius diei: Quoniam firmamentum.

to hom that bien in gult of synne
he prayes of helpe to rise in hye
and of the deueles bond to twinne,
as this office con specifye.

Vt patet in officio: Et in locum ref[u]gii vt saluum me facias.

To hom that tholen aduersite
he prayes afture protectioun,
that God bring hom into prosperite
oute of hor persecucioun.

Vnde in officio: Esto michi in deum protectorem.

ffor mony men so wel [þa]y bien
that hom-self ne know thai noght,
ny that ioy conen tha[i] not sen
ho[w] godely God for hom has wroght;
Therfore to pray aftur ledyng
to hom that bene in suche blysse,
I holde hit a ful nedeful thing,
lest thai gout of the waye amysse.
then quinquagesme, as I [s]a[i]de her,
endes opoun Aster-daye,
for then we risen clene and cler
thurgh penaunce done befor in faye.